Character of Candida
Sketch the character of Candida, Candida is a leading female character in the play. “Candida”. Sketched by George Bernard Shaw the leading playwright during the Modern age in English language and literature. She is an impressive character, compacted with a sense of responsibility.
Her duties have been subtly depicted in the play, Like Marchbanks. She was free from the bond of conventionality. She measured the bond of conventionality with the force of common sense and intellect.
It was she who made Morell aware of “Prossies is a complaint” She told Morell that the people did not come to him for the attainment of supreme bliss. But when the people used to get tiredness of their routine work, they used to come to Morell for refreshing their minds.
Character sketch of Candida

She further added that she would teach Marchabanks the real meaning of love. She preferred the act of loving Marchbanks to the goodness and purity of her body. It was her love for her husband Morell which prevented her from being physically seduced by Eugene.
In the eyes of Marchbanks Candida was an intellectual lady. He was unable to digest the love affairs of Candida and Eugene. He left Candida alone in the Company of Eugene and when he came back, he asked Eugene whether he could establish physic Candida or not.
Candida did not hesitate in declaring Morell as the victim of the convention. Candida did not hesitate in flirting with Marchbanks. She not only loved her husband but was aware of the distance which separated her from Morell. She did not realize the futility of Morell’s preaching, to her. Morell was a thorough clergyman.
Candida By G.B. Shaw Summary

She loved her husband and was bound to choose her husband at auction time. Candida was a divine figure and she had been enslaved by the orthodoxy of Morell. In the eyes of Bernard Shaw, Candida was a shvian intellectual woman who acted as a bridge between Eugene and Morell.
As a prudent, helpful, and kind-hearted lady, she favored Morell and she thought it better to sacrifice her happiness for the sake of Morell. Candida represented the views of Shaw, who did not believe in conventionality but who wished to modify the world of conventions.
At the end of the play, we see Candida as a true woman, who did not like to be slurred. Her role as a wife and life partner was of a high order. She was true to her words and was full of love, duty, and core. She loved Morell by heart and her attitude towards Morell was very frank, courteous, polite, and responsible.
She also considered love as a means to bear children for the continuation of other human races. Her role was perfect following Shaw’s conception of life force. It was a life that made her find her fulfillment as a mat and as a mother. Her attituded towards.
Eugene was that of a mother towards her child. Her feelings towards Eugene were full of maternal pityrelons with Candida representing an ideal of womanly virtues. She was a modern lady at heart yet she had the charm and Beautifulness of the old type.

She was a living statue of intelligence and beauty The dramatist George Bernard Shaw has delineated her character in a vivid explicit, exalted and consummate manner.
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