Critical appreciation of Byzantium
Ans. Critical appreciation of Byzantium Byzantium is a poem composed by William Butler Yeats, a leading Irish poet in English language and literature. In this poem, The poet has used great symbolical meaning and colorful thoughts in his imagination.
The poet has expressed the existence of Byzantium in poetic creativity and realization. The poet presents the situations in the symbolic sense. He feels that unpurged images of the day get receding gradually. The drunken soldier of the emperor was also in their bed.
Byzantium Poem summary
The resonance of night was itself receding and the songs of nightwalker were also failing. The poet feels that the great cathedral gong was no more an inactive stage. At such moment, the dome standing in starlit or Moonlit night was showing disdainful look.
The poet realizes the human being and the growing complexities of day-to-day life in a pathetic manner. The fury and the mire of human veins create a floating image of human existence and shade. He gazed, shade bigger than human beings and the image larger in size than a shade.

Byzantium poem Theme
In the darkness of night, the poet felt that Hade’s bobbin had bound mummy cloth and it might unwind the winding path. The dead body had a moistureless mouth and had no breathing. At such a stage, the poet understood the supremacy of death.
It seemed that miracle bird and golden handiwork were planted on the starlit golden bough. It also kept the poet in such thoughts that the moon was embittered and was scaring aloud. It remains the glory of changeless matter and there existed complexities of mire or blood.
At midnight it seemed that the flames were fliting on the pavement of the emperor. These flames were not faded by faggot nor it was lit by the steel. It was obvious, flames were begotten by flames likewise the blood and the spirit. they get existence. All complexities die in due course.
The agony of trance was’ akin to the agony of flame that could not singe a sleeve. It was obvious that the spirit and blood were broken likewise the golden smithies of the emperor.

The poet also felt that the bitter furies of complexities were broken. After death images get fresh images.
It also seemed that the dolphin Torin was similar to gong torn. This poem is compacted with fathomless, symbolical thoughts and ideas. The words applied are high, sensitive, touchy, and up to mark.
The way of expression is impressive. The poet has placed his intense thoughts and realization in a vivid, explicit and consummate manner.
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