Ode to A Nightingale summary

Ode to A Nightingale summary

Ans:- ‘Ode to A Nightingale’ being with a sense of inertia and physical Apathy. It is as if happiness has acted like an option on the sense of the Poet. It has virtually mode him oblivious to everything. Ode to A Nightingale summary

ode to a nightingale summary
Ode to a Nightingale summary

Read more 1st Year (click) ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ depicts sunset of happiness. However, happiness is not felt in terms of the Poet’s own experience. It flows from the ecstatic song of the Nightingale as she sings in the Greenery of the Branch’s Overhead.

Ode to A Nightingale

The song of the Nightingale conjures up before the natural hesitation of the bird which is full of sunburnt worth. He is there for transport to the warm and Pleasant word climate of Nature. Ode to A Nightingale summary


The Poet displays his longing to identify himself with the bird which has now become the symbol of carefree happiness. In the death of his younger brother, The poet has realized that like in this world is charged with suffering.

That memory is Green and yet he frees himself from the shackles of hard realities. He joining Nightingale in her atmosphere which abounds in carefree happiness.

Ode to a Nightingale poem

Finding wings not sufficient to sustain the Mood of happiness. He prefers to fly on the wing’s with the help of music words and the spell, that they weave in such a moment of supreme enjoyment.

The pain of life gives place to the happy oblivion of Death. But the word ‘Death’ brings him back to the world of harsh realities. Ode to A Nightingale summary

Ode to a Nightingale analysis

His vision is melted into air, He gets the painful realization that art is not life, and artistic experience has a Limitation.

‘The’ Ode ‘to The Nightingale’ is one of his selected poems which are so unique and perfect in the style that it is hard to set how any experience should have to Improve them.



Write down the summary of the poem Ode to a Nightingale

ode to a nightingale summary
Ode to a Nightingale summary

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