The Second Coming
Ans. ‘The Second Coming’ is a poem composed by William Butler Yeats, a leading poet, thinker, seer, and Scholar during the Modern age in English language and literature. In this poem, the poet has expressed his personal feeling and realization about religious affairs.
He feels that the world is getting wide transition and everything is getting its changed shape. The falcon does not even pay attention to the call of the falconer. The poet feels ecstasy in thinking that God will send.
The Second Coming summary
His messenger in this world to purify all sorts of evil designs, In fact, the poet reviews anarchy in the world. There exists lawlessness in each corner of the world. The blood-dimmed tide is spread out everywhere and the ceremony of innocence is drowned.
The goods have been withered and the worst are in full of passionate intensity. The poet does not see any ray of positive aspects in the world, On the other hand, he realizes lawlessness in the world.

He also finds that there is turmoil in the world and the whole world requires some supermen who will eradicate all sorts of troubles from this world. In the eyes of the poet it will be hoped that very soon, there shall be a revelation in the world.
The Second Coming poem
God or His messenger will come to this earth to eradicate all the evils present in the world. The poet hopes that a vast image will touch this land, Somewhere in the sands of the desert that image will carry a shape of a lion body with the head of a man.
That figure will gaze at this world and shall be pitiless like Sin. It seems to him that such a figure has begun to move on this earth to rectify the world from evil designs. The poet is baffled to see the evil designs of this world.
He visualizes the indignant desert birds and he also feels that the darkness is drooping again. In his eyes, the present century has got strong sleep and is vexed with nightmares. The evil designs lurking on this earth are akin to the rough beasts.

Critical appreciation of The Second Coming
The poet hopes that christ will again take Birth at Bethlehem. This poem is compacted with higher religious thoughts and understanding. The words applied are highly suggestive, impressive, lucrative, touchy, and up-to-mark. Its rhyme follows the systematic rule.
The expressions like spiritual Mund, passionate intensity are of a high order. The poet William Butler Yeats ha presented his thoughts in a subtle, vivid, explicit, and Consummate manner.
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