Critical appreciation of Song
Ans. Critical appreciation of Song “Song” is a poem, composed by W. H. Auden, the leading American poet in English language and literature. In this poem, the poet has expressed his intense great thoughts and ideas subtly. The poet advises to go and catch a falling star to get with child a mandrake root.
The past years which are bygone days have lost their existence. The time has left the Devil’s foot. The poet seeks the instructions to hear and enjoy the songs of mermaids. He also requires to keep off envy’s stinging. He is in great requirement of such wind which may serve the way of advancement to an honest mind.
The poet feels that a man gets birth to experience strange sights and of such invisible things in this world. A man rides on the horse of time and spends ten thousand days and nights and he attains old age where he finds his hair as snow white.

Theme of Song poem
After that, a man needs his end and goes back to heaven where he expresses all his experiences about strange wonders which had been fallen on him. He also expresses his feelings by swearing that in this world not a single woman lives as true and fair.
If a person finds a true lady during his span of life, he passes his time as sweet and akin to a pious pilgrimage. It is obvious that in the next birth a man may get the association of a true lady. The poet realized the great fact that a lady may prove herself as false and unfair even in a future birth.
This poem is compacted with higher thoughts and ideas. Concrete images are used in exuberance to communicate experiences that are primarily intellectual and moral rationalization of passion. This poem is a Unique example of a simple simile.
Summary of Poem Song by W.H. Auden
The witty metaphor is explored and analyzed in its full implications. This poem is intellectual speculations of philosophy. This poem is a typical love poem, cynical in tone about women’s dishonesty and lack of constancy in love.
The way of expression is indirect narration. The words applied are highly suggestive, evocative, touchy, and up-to-mark. It is divided into three segments and each segment is interlinked with one another.

The poet W. H. Auden has expressed his great thoughts about world affairs and woman’s character in a vivid, explicit, exalted, and consummate manner.
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