Sketch the character of Mr Fielding
Ans. Sketch the character of Mr Fielding. Fielding is a leading male character of the novel, “A Passage to India”, written by E. M. Forster, the great novelist, thinker, essayist, writer, and scholar during the Modern age in the English language and literature.

He was like a cynosure and the situations depicted in the novel, encircle him. He was a man of over 40 years old. When he came to India, he was a man of scholastic nature.
His career was varied and of many-sided. He presented himself as a hard-bitten, good-tempered intelligent fellow on the verge of his middle age. He had a deep love for learning and a firm belief in education.
He used to get pleasure in getting association with public schoolboys. He showed his sympathetic pleasure in giving lessons to mentally defective and policemen.
Cyril fielding A Passage to India
He was a man of congenial nature and had no objection to being nominated principal of the little college at Chandrapore. He had great likings for this educational institute and considered himself a successful person.
He earned high popularity with his pupils. The gulf-between himself and his countryman was widened distressingly and he had observed such distinction in course of making the journey in the train.

He could not tolerate any sort of discrimination and his feelings were full of tender sensibilities. He was not at all alternativeUnpartriotic by nature and by activities.
He used to get close affinity with the English man in England and all his best friends belonged to English soil. He was not a missionary by profession.
He used to get lofty giving rein to the give and take policy. It was he who used to be elated in course of private conversation. In his eyes, the world is a globe of such persons who are trying in one another one-another.
He realized that with the help of goodwill, intelligent and cultured activities, the whole human being may get elevation at Chandrapurhe had observed ill-suited creed, sprawled in the whole range.
did not bear any rational feeling and he did not consider himself. Superior to his brother civilians. He had matured his thoughts in such a different atmosphere where fraternity had made vital role.
A Passage to India Character
He was seasoned and self-contained. He was devoid of the fervors of nationality or youth It was he who had tendered resignation from the club for the sake of Aziz.
The character of Dr. Aziz (click)
He also stood as a witness to testify the innocence of Dr. Aziz, Fielding represented the British institute and had understood that the Britishers had done much for India in clearing away administrative inefficiencies.
The Britishers also improved the communications system in India. In a true sense, the rationalism and self-confidence of Fielding were of a high order. Symbolically.

he stood for western intellectualism. He may be called a pole-star of liberal culture. He was a living statue of humanity, disinterestedness tolerance, and free intelligence.
He had great hatred with unassociated dogma, conservative religion, and a determinate set of traditional forms. He was level headed, practical, and qualified human being.
His agnosticism was explicit and vivid. Fielding was a leading character of the novel and he left a great impact on the fibers of the novel.
His activities on thoughts were of a high order. The novelist has delineated his character in a vivid, explicit, exalted, and consummate manner.
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