The character of Robert Cokeson in justice
Ans. Robert Cokeson is a leading male character in the famous play, Justice’, sketched by John Galsworthy, a leading playwright, essayist, novelist, and thinker during the modern age in the English language and literature.
He is the managing clerk at the solicitor’s office, run by James and Water How. He is a man of 60, wearing spectacles with a bald head and an honest face His role in the play keeps vital importance. He is also known for his mispronunciation and misuse of words. Humanism is the chief quality lurking behind his personality. the character of Robert Cokeson in justice

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m c q on justice by Galsworthy
It is aptly remarked that John Galsworthy has presented himself in the character of Cookson. He has possessed sympathy for the poor, a strong sense of justice, impartiality, generosity, and humanism. His innate humanity compels him to sympathize with William Falder and Ruth Honeywill. He allows Ruth to come to the office for a private mission.
Due to human kindness visits Falder in prison and in such manners, he displays his kindness and pity for Falder throughout the whole range of the play. He is a law-abiding and disciplined person. the character of Robert Cokeson in justice
He tries his best to defend Falder in the court of law, yet he is a traditional serving man. He is reputed for honesty and he understands honesty as his sole guide. He is dutiful and loves a life of simplicity and conscientiousness.
He keeps an innocent face and is liked by all as a hard-working man. He keeps a manifold personality. He keeps instinctive goodness and impresses all. In a true sense, he is full of life and vitality and keeps a multilateral personality. Cokeson is humorous by nature. His chief humor is the misuse of words and wrong pronunciations and indulges in malapropism. the character of Robert Cokeson in justice
Justice by john galsworthy summary sparknotes
In his character there lies a considerable amount of variety. He also keeps some legal knowledge and he attempts to speak in favor of Falder in a court of law. His considerate nature is revealed in many places in the play.
He even offers help to Ruth in her distress and he doesn’t want Falder to proceed with forgery. He even feels sadness for the plight of Falder and requests the solicitors to take him back into service. He is a gentleman with a high sense of morality. the character of Robert Cokeson in justice
Justice plot summary
He is also a great lover of official decorum. His exterior personality is cold, hard, and formal But his interior personality is full of morality and honesty.
As a dutiful employee, he discharges his duty as a disciplined, obedient, sincere, and gentle person in the play, the playwright, John Galsworthy has delineated his character in a vivid explicit, exalted and consummate manner.