Circular link list deletion
Circular link list deletion Program in C. Here we learn circular linked list insertion and deletion Beginning to End program in c. Try this code in your Compiler. Here mind it will run all the codes on Online Compiler. In the editor that you use while running this code, Please suggest us via Comment.
Circular link list Insertion and deletion
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; struct node * get_node () { struct node *New; New = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node)); New->next = NULL; return New; } struct node * create () { struct node *head, *temp, *New; int flag = 1, val; char ans; do { printf ("Enter the element : "); scanf ("%d", &val); New = get_node (); New->data = val; if (flag == 1) { head = New; New->next = head; temp = head; flag = 0; } else { temp->next = New; New->next = head; temp = temp->next; } printf ("\nYou want to enter more elements (Y/N) : "); scanf ("%s", &ans); } while (ans == 'y' || ans == 'Y'); return head; } void display (struct node *head) { struct node *temp = head; do { printf ("%d --> ", temp->data); temp = temp->next; } while (temp != head); } struct node * insertHead (struct node *head) { struct node *temp = head, *newHead; newHead = get_node (); printf ("\nEnter the value\n"); scanf ("%d", &newHead->data); newHead->next = head; while (temp->next != head) { temp = temp->next; } temp->next = newHead; head = NULL; return newHead; } void insert_last (struct node *head) { struct node *temp = head, *newNode = get_node (); printf ("\nEnter the new value : \n"); scanf ("%d", &newNode->data); while (temp->next != head) { temp = temp->next; } temp->next = newNode; newNode->next = head; newNode = NULL; } void insertAfter (struct node *head) { struct node *temp = head, *newNode = get_node (); int key, found = 0; printf ("\nEnter the new value : \n"); scanf ("%d", &newNode->data); printf ("\nEnter the value of the node after which you want to enter the new node\n"); scanf ("%d", &key); do { if (temp->data == key) { found = 1; break; } temp = temp->next; } while (temp != head); if (found == 0) { printf ("\nElement not found\n"); return; } newNode->next = temp->next; temp->next = newNode; } void delete (struct node **head) { // if the node is empty if (*head == NULL) { printf ("\nThe list is already empty!\n"); return; } struct node *temp = *head, *prev; int val, found = 0; printf ("\nEnter the value which is to be deleted\n"); scanf ("%d", &val); do { //Using this we will search the element in the list if it is not present then we will not do other work! if (temp->data == val) { found = 1; break; } temp = temp->next; } while (temp->next != *head); if (found == 0) { // we will check here if the element is found or not! printf ("\nThe element is not present in the list!\n"); } else { // Check if node is only node if (temp->next == *head) { *head = NULL; free (temp); return; } // If more than one node, check if // it is first node if (temp == *head) { prev = *head; while (prev->next != *head) { prev = prev->next; } *head = temp->next; prev->next = *head; free (temp); } // check if node is last node else if (temp->next == *head && temp == *head) { prev->next = *head; free (temp); } else { prev->next = temp->next; free (temp); } } } int main () { struct node *head = create (); printf ("\n"); display (head); // head = insertHead(head); // display(head); // insert_last(head); // display(head); // insertAfter(head); // display(head); delete (&head); display (head); return 0; }
Enter the element : 6
You want to enter more elements (Y/N) : y
Enter the element : 8
You want to enter more elements (Y/N) : y
Enter the element : 89
You want to enter more elements (Y/N) : N
6 –> 8 –> 89 –>
Enter the value which is to be deleted : 8
6 –> 89 –>
Note:- ♥ We input in Orange Color. and get ♥ output in Green color in Circular link list deletion.

Circular link list deletion Here Two Different program in One tab, you need to Understand and Second one is for your understanding and Correct them. Here learn Linked list in CPP