Inputting the Date using C
Learn how to take Correct Date in Inputting the date using C and Printing in a suitable form. Learn through an Example
C program to display date using the structure
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdbool.h>
int chk_date(char []);
int count=0;
int main()
int z=-1;
char s[11];
do{printf(“\nEnter date in format dd/mm/yyyy : “);
printf(“\nEntered date is = %s”,s);z=chk_date(s);
printf(“\nInvalid date“);
while(z!=1);printf(“\nValid date“);
return 0;
}int chk_date(char x[])
int i=0;
char d[3];
char m[3];
char y[5];int day;
int month;
int year;while(x[i]!=’\0′){
if(!isdigit(x[i]) && x[i]!=’/’)
return 0;
year=atoi(y);if(day<=0 || day>31)
return 0;
if(month<=0 || month >12)
return 0;
if(year<1000 && year >9999)
return 0;if(x[2]!=’/’ && x[5]!=’/’)
return 0;
return 1;
C Program to print the date in legal form
In this program when you entered the date in the wrong form:- Ex. Palace of Month (1-12), But you entered the palace of Month like 13th or Greater than. Then this program will show you a Message like Invalid Input.

C program to store date in an integer variable
When you entered the Correct input then the message will be shown to you in the following Image.

C program to draw a square using graphics (clickHere)
Note:- Maybe sometime above code doesn’t get user-friendly output, in codeblock ‘or’ any other EDITOR, All of C & C++ program tested in DOS compiler Turbo C.
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C program to Display Current Date and Time
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