Pattern in C programming
C program to print rectangle pattern
/* C program to print hollow rectangle star pattern */
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i, j, rows, columns;/* Input number of rows and columns from user */
printf(“Enter number of rows: “);
scanf(“%d”, &rows);
printf(“Enter number of columns: “);
scanf(“%d”, &columns);/* Iterate over each row */
for(i=1; i<=rows; i++)
/* Iterate over each column */
for(j=1; j<=columns; j++)
if(i==1 || i==rows || j==1 || j==columns)
/* Print star for 1st and last row, column */
printf(” “);
}/* Move to the next line */
}return 0;
Pattern in C

Rectangle pattern in C programming

C program to draw a square using graphics (clickHere)
C program to print rectangle pattern of Numbers
Note:- Maybe sometime above code doesn’t get user-friendly output, in codeblock ‘or’ any other EDITOR, All of C & C++ program tested in DOS compiler Turbo C.
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