Swap nodes of doubly linked list without swapping data
The question asks to swap extreme nodes (head and tail) of the doubly linked list without swapping in other words, Swap nodes of doubly linked list without swapping data or Nodes in Pairs in C++
Swap Nodes in Pairs in C++
Abstract class in CPP (ReadHere)
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; struct Node { int value; struct Node * next; struct Node * prev; }; void insert(int val); void print(); void swapExtremeDNodes(); struct Node * start = NULL, *curr = NULL; int main() { /* code */ print(); insert(10); insert(20); insert(30); insert(40); insert(50); print(); swapExtremeDNodes(); print(); //system("pause"); return 0; } void insert(int val) { struct Node * ptr; ptr = new Node(); ptr -> next = NULL; ptr -> prev = NULL; ptr -> value = val; if (start == NULL && curr==NULL) { start = ptr; curr = start; return; } while (curr->next!= NULL) { curr = curr -> next; } curr -> next = ptr; ptr -> prev = curr; curr=curr->next; } void swapExtremeDNodes() { Node *tempTail; cout<<"current value"<<curr->value<<endl; cout<<"start value"<<start->value<<endl; tempTail=curr; curr=start; start=tempTail; } void print() { if (start == NULL) { cout << "List is Empty" << endl; } else { struct Node * cur = start; while (cur != NULL) { cout << cur -> value << endl; cur = cur -> next; } } }
Swapping nodes in doubly linked list
List is Empty
Current Value 50
Start Value 10
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Linked list Program in Cpp
How to swap nodes in Cpp Program
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