The Importance of Being Earnest summary
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Ans. The Importance of Being Earnest’ belongs to the genus, the comedy of manners, handled with consummate skill and artistry by Congreve in the Restoration Period and later by Sheridan in the eighteenth century. The importance of being earnest summary

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The comedy of manners, as its name impulses, concentrates upon the depiction of men and women in the social world ruled by convention. Its ‘manners’ are not simply the behavior of humanity in general but the affections and cultured veneer of a highly developed and self-conscious group. In the while hall which was ruled by Charles II, intellectual refinement wit, and easy dalliance had been made the prime qualities which are reflected in the ‘manners’ comedy.
Satire is an integral part of the comedy of manners. Its satire was airy and delicate. Accordingly, it preferred to satirize by utilizing that species of spirit which depended fundamentally upon the incongruity between two ideas or between one idea and an object. The comedy of manners did not confine itself to satire. It utilized for more what A Jonson knew the power of wit.
The importance of being earnest themes
It is essentially intellectual. It permits the introduction and expression of practically no emotion what so ever. It, therefore, does not play upon our feeling in any way but appeals primarily and always to our reason. Its wit is purely intellectual, and the appreciation of it comes from our minds, not from our hearts. The importance of being earnest summary
The comedy of manners, more over stress deeply that tendency in all high comedy, the artificiality of personality and theme, This comedy is realistic, but not in the way that Jonson’s play was realistic. In his word there is decided attempt to display through the humor or the traits of the type of contemporary life, there is a mass of topical allusion, and the subjects are often taken from real aspects of his time.
The importance of being earnest analysis

The comedy of manners also reflects real life, but it is a real-life artificialized, and still, further, it is the airier, what we might almost call the more spiritual parts of real life. The Importance of Being Earnest’ conforms to the norms laid down for the comedy of manners. The play depicts the aristocratic, convention-ridden and class-conscious mid-Victorian society. The importance of being earnest summary
All the characters of the play are highly eccentric and for them, the normal values of our world stand revered. To Algernon, a marriage proposal is a matter of business and not pleasure. He considers a wife flirting with her husband as highly scandalous for it amounts to washing one’s clean linen in public. Jack considers Algernon’s lavish arrangements for tea and cucumber sandwiches a reckless extravagance.
The importance of being earnest essay