Character of Lady Macbeth
Ans. Lady Macbeth has been ambitious and instigates her husband Into the act of crime. But for her reproaches and her challenging Macbeth’s love, Macbeth might not have launched into crime, makes up her mind as to the course of action to be followed, She knows better than Macbeth that the way to the throne lies through murder, and she knows also that she will have to take the initiative in the matter: Character of Lady Macbeth

“The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
Under my battlements, come, you spirits,
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full
Of Direct cruelty! make thick blood:
my Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
That no compunctious visitings of nature
Shake any fell purpose, nor keep peace between
The effect and it! Come to my women’s breast,
And take my milk for gall, your murdering ministers,
Wherever in your sightless substances
You wait on nature’s mischief ?”
Sketch the character of Lady Macbeth
In this invocation to “spirits that tend of moral thoughts,” Lady Macbeth undertakes a task which is more than a woman can accomplish. She prays to the powers of evil that she may be unsexed, but we doubt very much if she is carried away by her impulse, and as she proposes to do with the “valor” of her tongue, she hustles her husband through the act of murder. But disillusionment soon comes to her: Character of Lady Macbeth
“Nought’s had, all’s spent
Where our desire is got without content;
This safer to be that which we destroy
Then by destruction-dwell in doubtful joy.”
She also realizes that she had done little good to her husband by instigation him into the act of crime, as she notices her husband’s distracted looks;
“How now my lord! Why do you keep alone,
Of sorriest fancies your companions making,
Using those thoughts which should have died
With then they think on ?”
The point is that her unsexing of himself has been temporary; the woman reasserts in her.
Analyze the character of lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth is not a devilish woman. It is her love for her husband, which leads her to crime. Lady Macbeth has just been Eve over again. She knows her husband better than anybody else, and she knows that her husband is ambitious without the strength of will and purpose enough to achieve it. in her love for husband, she braces herself up to the task of fulfilling her husband’s ambition, so great is her devotion to her husband that she is even prepared to renounce her womanly nature, and to assume the role of a stern task- ministress, she overstrains herself in the interest of her husband, and the results are a tota! breakdown.
Her love prompts her to undertake more than what a woman can accomplish. However she unsexes herself, she is unable to renounce her womanly nature, and after the first crime, she keeps apart from her husband. She suffers in loneliness, and when it becomes to much for her-a frail woman to bear, she dies by violently means. Lady Macbeth is not a wicked woman; she sacrifices for her husband. the character of Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth is certainly more resourceful than her husband. It is she who takes initiative, plans the murder of Duncan, and even partly assists Macbeth in carrying out the plot, After the act of murder, Macbeth loses all control over himself, and is tormented by imaginative terrors. It is Lady Macbeth then who comes to his help:
“Why worthy Jhane,
You do unbend your noble strength to think.
So brain-sickly of thins go get some water.
And wash this filthy witness from your hand.”
Lady Macbeth is a realist and takes the most practical view of things. She carries away the daggers that Macbeth has brought with himself after murdering Duncan. Her husband shudders to go to back to the death-chamber again to deposit the daggers. Lady Macbeth cries: Character of Lady Macbeth
“Give me the daggers, the sleeping and the dead
Are but as pictures:’ is the eye of childhood
The fears as the painted devil. If he do fleed,
I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal;
It must seem their guilt.”
So Lady Macbeth goes to back to the death-chamber to put the daggers there. In the meantime, her husband is perturbed by a knocking within. Lady Macbeth soon rejoins him and drags him to their bed-chamber. Macbeth seems to be so much unbalanced that he would have easily betrayed himself to Macduff and Lennox when they called in the morning. At a critical moment, she is always by the side of her husband. At the Banquet scene when Banquo’s ghost, seen by nobody else, shakes he is speaking out; Lady Macbeth, resourceful as she is, covers up the raving terror of her husband and saves him from self-betrayal.
Analyze the character of lady Macbeth
When the deed is accomplished, she stands, at first, still, while Macbeth now begins to push on with folder strides. But when none of the expectations are realized which she expected as the result of the deed when instead of successful greatness, rain of the land and of her consort follows her fowers suddenly relax and sink.
Supported by him she could have long and forever withstood the emotions of conscience, nature, and a harrowing imagination; but doubting him, she doubts herself also…..still, even now her character and the strength of her will and evident; her resistance in suffering is now as apparent as before her activity in doing. By day she continues mistress of her emotions, but in the night ‘her secret-infected mind to the dead pillow will discharge its secrets’.
According to the poet’s poetic physiology and psychology, her unnaturally strained conscience and power of dissimulation average themselves during sleep, and the somnambulist, self-betraying acts, as it were all the secret, guilty scenes, over again. Once she thought she could with a little water clear away the witnesses of that deed but now, in the torture of her hardened heart, she complains about groans of anguish that the smell and stain of blood will never was away she ends her life with suicide. Character of Lady Macbeth.