Character of Newson
Ans:- Newson is a simple-hearted, rough sailor, who is above all guides But he has no individuality The suddenly makes his appearance when Henchard puts his wife on auction without expressing any surprise at what Henchard is conducting, he cooly offers five guineas and prepared to take her away “if the young woman is willing”. Character of Newson
Throughout his relations with Susan his conduct seems to have been characterized by the same considerateness.

Both Susan and Elizabeth cherish loving memories of the ‘genial sailor. He does not want to keep Susan with him against her will and the moment she seems to have an ‘awakening’, he leaves her.
Richard Newson Character Analysis in The Mayor of caserbridge
Read more from English 2nd Year (click) We do not hear anything else about him for more than twenty years. Elizabeth Janes’s recollection of him is very happy. She sincerely grieves for him when she is told by Henchard that Newson is not her father. Character of Newson
Next, we see him at mixen Lane. He seems to be quite free with his money end offers a drink to the visitor of the letter’s finger and throws away sovereign to help them to put up their national custom.

Skimminaton rides without being aware that he is thereby abetting a conspiracy to disgrace a respectable woman. His sovereignty contributes to the early death of Lucetta.
Newson character analysis in The Mayor of caserbridge
As a simple-minded sailor, he accepts the lie of Henchard without hesitation and does not know what to do with his money if his daughter is dead.
But he is soon undeceived and is present at the wedding of Jane and Farfrae and gives himself to the joy of dancing.
Such in brief is the picture of this happy-go-lucky sailor. Everybody seems to like him with the exception of the unfortunate Henchard. He seems to cast money and mirth where ever he goes and seems to be unsophisticated like a child.
The Mayor of Casterbridge Characters
But Grimdsditch is right when he says that he is not convincing. He is not so definitely marked out. He belongs to a class but has no individual traits. Character of Newson

Character Analysis Newson
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