Everyone sang summary
Class Twelve Everyone sang is a poem of happiness. It is composed by Siegfried Sassoon. With the announcement of the armistice of the first world war of all the soldiers as well as civilians were very happy. Everyone Sang Summary
They started singing the song of happiness. The poet was also very happy. They were just like a free bird out of the cage. They started singing and running like birds.
With the armistice, everyone started speaking loudly now. Everyone was beautiful for them because they wouldn’t have to go to war. Now they will live happily than his fearless life. The poet says that he becomes too much happy that his fears come out.
Everyone Sang Summary by Siegfried Sassoon
They had no fear of death and war. The ray of happiness and enjoyment spread everywhere. Everyone was like a bird. Their song was wordless happiness will continue forever. It was happiness moment in their life.

12th Class English Summary
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