Hester Prynne Character
Ans. Hester Prynne Character ‘Hester Prynne’ is the leading female character in the novel, The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the great American novelist, thinker, essayist, and scholar in English language and literature.
She is the cynosure of the novel whereas the rest characters and situations are like asteroids and revolve around her. She is elegant and possesses strong will and determination. She was tall with dark and abundant hair and deep black eyes.
She has delicate, evanescent, and indescribable grace. She commits adultery and for that, she is ready to suffer a lot. She was previously married to Roger Chillingworth but she never could shower love on him and ultimately she left him and came out of her husband’s control.
Hester Prynne Character Essay
She has badly condemned for her adultery and, she was sent to a prison house as the culprit. In the eyes of the people, she was an outcast and she was made to suffer a sense of mental torture.
She was called out of the prison and was allowed to stand on a scaffold and had to face public disgrace. She was also badly condemned by the women of the city. She was repeatedly compelled to reveal the name of her fellow sinner who was no one but the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, the monk.
She was pressed to wear, ‘The scarlet Letter’ on her bosom as a mark of shame. Although she was given mental injury as well as spiritual. She was in the true sense, a Victim of nervous excitement and was sent to Mr. Chillingworth for treatment who was no one but her husband.
Analysis and Essay of Hester Prynne
She got soothing behavior from her husband but refused to disclose the name of her fellow sinner. She decided to live in the same town so that she might wear the public shame and ignominy to purge her soul.
She was an excellent needlewoman and as a result, she was in a position to support herself and her daughter economically. A glance in the street made a clergyman deliver sermons on chastity and the nature of clutter and also on various aspects of morality.

Her daughter Pearl was her only treasure and she used to love the child with the core of her heart. Once she went to meet the governor Bellingham at his residence to request him to allow her to keep Pearl with her because some people had argued that Pearl must be kept aloof from Hester for moral and spiritual development.
Character Analysis of Hester Prynne
Hester Prynne had repeatedly requested the governor Bellingham to be merciful on her ill-fate and allow her to keep her only daughter, Pearl which was accepted after the convincing argument of Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester used to pass her time in altruism and she became a true follower of Christianity.
She was undaunted by nature and decided not to disclose the name of her fellow sinner at any rate, not even to her husband Roger-Chillingworth.
She met with Arthur Dimmesdale in the forest and decided to elope with him, In her eyes, Roger Chillingworth was malignant by heart and would take revenge on Arthur Dimmesdale.
Sketch the character of Hester Prynne
Hester wanted to save Arthur Dimmesdale but on the new England Holiday, She was carried by Arthur Dimmesdale on the scaffold before a massive gathering where he admitted his guilt and surprisingly and betook his last breath on the spot.
Hester Prynne was a living statue of endurance who bore all sufferings on her bosoms despite reverse situations. She suffered a lot due to social ostracism and though she was a lady, her unflinching courage was remarkable, Like a tragic protagonist, she demonstrated masculine dignity and potentialities. The novelist has delineated her character in n vivid, explicit, exalted, and consummate manner.