How is the plot resolved in The Importance of Being Earnest
How is the plot resolved in The Importance of Being Earnest
Ans. Oscar Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Ernest, is built on a pun and the plot turns on a misunderstanding over the name Emest, The theme is a satire and the so-called earnestness, that is the Victorian solemnity or a false seriousness which results in priggishness’, hypocrisy, and so-called piety. How is the plot resolved in The Importance of Being Earnest

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What happens at the end of The Importance of Being Earnest
Unlike Bernard Shaw, who uses is iconoclastic ideas, Wilde uses his wit as an ironic counterpoint to the absurdity of the action. Algernon Moncrieff, a nephew of the aristocratic Lady Bracknell, is compelled by necessity to live a double life, or he will have been completed at the mercy of his Aunt Augusta. How is the plot resolved in The Importance of Being Earnest
To escape from her undesirably dull dinner parties, he has invented a wholly fictitious friend named Banbury, whose precarious state of health requires Algy’s absence from London whenever his aunt summons him to attend. Algernon’s friend, Jack Worthing is also forced by circumstances into a similar trick for quite a different reason.
He has under his care a young ward named Cecily Cardew, who leaves at Jack’s country house in Hert Oxfordshire under the admirable care of a stern governess, Miss Prism. Jack finds it necessary to preserve a high moral tone in the presence of Cecily and her governess. To escape from this atmosphere of restraint, he invents an imaginary brother named Emest, who is supposed to be quite a reprobate’, and whose name and general mode of behavior Jack assume during his occasional trips to London.
To complicate matters, Jack has fallen in love with Gwendolen Fairfax, the daughter of Algy’s aunt, Lady Bracknell. Moreover, Gwendolen Fairfax has fallen in love with him, particularly taking a fancy for his name Emest. When Lady Bracknell learns of Ernest’s intentions towards Gwendolen, she naturally wants to know something of his family history. How is the plot resolved in The Importance of Being Earnest
What is the conflict in The Importance of Being Earnest
But since Ernest ca1 supply nothing more definite than the fact that he had been found in a leather – bag at the Victoria Railway Station, and that his true parentage is quite unknown, Lady Bracknell refuses to consider his marriage to her daughter r. Jack realizes that the time has come to put an end to Emest, He even goes so far as to appear at the manner house in Hertfordshire in the deep morning for his brother Ernest.
But his friend Algy, “Bunbarying” as usual, has preceded him, passing as Ernest. Cecily takes an immediate interest in Algy, the supposed brother of her guardian. When Jack and Algy come face to face, Jack promptly announces that his brother Ernest has been unexpectedly called back to London and is leaving at once. But Algy, having fallen in love with Cecily, refuses to leave. Cecily, in turn, confesses that it has always been her dream to love someone whose name is Ernest.
Algy, realizing that is hopes of marrying Cecily depend on his name, decides to have himself rechristened Ernest, and to this effect, he calls upon the local clergyman, the Reverend Canon Chasuble, But Jack has preceded him with a similar request. Dr.chasuble has an engagement for two christenings at five-thirty that afternoon. In the meantime, Gwendolen arrives at the Manor House. How is the plot resolved in The Importance of Being Earnest
What type of play is The Importance of Being Earnest
Because of the mix-up in names, both Gwendolen and Cecily believe that they are in love with the same man, the non-existent Ernest. When Jack and Algy appear together, the real identities of the two bedbugs are established. Both girls become furious. At first, Jack and Algy indulge in mutual recrimination for their duplicity, but they finally settle down to tea and console themselves by vying with each other to see who can eat the last muffin on the plate.
Cecily and Gwendolen, at last, decide to foregive their suitors, after Algy has admitted that the purpose of his deception is to meet Cecily and Jack has mentioned that his imaginary brother is an excuse o to London to see Gwendolen. Both girls agree that in matters of grave importance-such as marriage-style and not sincerity is the vital thing, Lady Bracknell arriving in search of her daughter, discovers her nephew engaged to Cecily

Afraid that the girl, like her guardian Jack Worthing, may have only railway station antecedents, Lady Bracknell demands to know Cecily’s origin. She is informed that Cecily is the grand-daughter of a very wealthy man and the heiress to one hundred and thirty thousand pounds. When she willingly gives her consent to the marriage, Jack refuses to allow the match, pointing out that Cecily cannot marry without his consent until she is thirty-five as per the will of her grandfather.
However, he says he will give his consent the moment Lady Bracknell approves of his marriage to Gwendolen. There are, however, some objections to Jack as a suitable husband for Gwendolen, the main one being the question of his parentage, But the mystery is cleared up to Lady Bracknell’s satisfaction by the revelation that Miss Prism, Cecily’s governess was the nurse who had left Lord Bracknell’s house with a perambulator containing a male infant.
Trace the plot of The Importance of Being Ernest
Miss Prism by oversight had placed the infant in a leather handbag and left it in the cloakroom of Victoria Station. Jack is found to be that infant lost by Miss Prism and the son of Lady Bracknell’s sister. Thismalas Jack Algy’s elder brother. Jack’s Christian name still has to be determined. It turns to be ‘Ernest’. The Reverend Chasuble is relieved of his two christenings that afternoon, and Gwendolen is happy that she is going the marry a man named Ernest. How is the plot resolved in The Importance of Being Earnest
Describe how Wilde builds up the complication in the plot of The Importance of Being Ernest and resolves them successfully in the end

How does the importance of being earnest end