Modern poetry in English literature

Modern poetry in English literature

Ans. Modern poetry refers to the verse created by the poets of the 20th and 21st. Centuries. It emphasizes strong imagery and emotional content and less reliance on the use of rhyme. American poet Walt. Watchman is one of the stalwarts of Modern poetry. Modern poetry in English literature

Modern poetry in English literature
Modern poetry in English literature

Modern poetry in English

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His disregard for traditional rhyme and early 20th. Century. T.S. Eliot produced a series of important poems. Waste Land is considered one of the great works of English literature. It contains many aspects of modern poetry. In 1950, there occurred an explosion in Modern Poetry in the form of the Beat Generation.

As the 20th Century ended. Modern poetry took new forms, including spoken-word performances and poetry slams, Modern poetry in English started in the early years of the 20th Century with the appearance of Imagists. Modernists included ancient Greek literature. Modern poets adopted the form of short and compact lyries.

Modern poetry essay 

They represented the new movement in English literature. The salient features of Modem poetry are-

(i) Direct treatment of the thing, whether subjective or objective.

(ii) To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation.

(iii) As regarding rhythm, to compose in sequence of the musical phrase, not in the frequency of the metronome.

(iv) Complete freedom of subject matter.

(v) Free verse was encouraged along with other new rhythms.

(vi) Common speech-language was used, the exact word was always to be used as opposed to the almost exact word.

Modern poetry characteristics

Modern poetry in English literature
Modern poetry in English literature

The outbreak of world war I represented a setback. It tended to undermine the optimism of the Imagists. Sound poetry emerged in this period as a response to the war, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ got prominence as modem poem, composed by T.S. Eliot. modern poetry in English

Marianne Moore carved out a unique niche as a modern poetess. As a matter of fact, modern poetry in English acted in the role of the avant-garde movement. A large number of long poems were composed. Modern poetry in English literature

Modern poetry in English literature pdf

T. S. Eliot’s experiences of war-torn London also underpinned his four Quartets, All the modern poems present a range of techniques, personal experiences, a wide range of cultural and intellectual activities. Several leading modernists also placed their political ideologies.

Among other modem poets, Thomas McGreevy, Brian Coffey, and Denis Devlin are in great prominence. Modern poetry in English literature


Modern poetry in English literature
Modern poetry in English literature

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