On his Blindness Summary
On his Blindness Summary
Ans:- ‘On his Blindness’ is a highly inspiring poem based on the belief that no one is wasting once a time in time in this world. On his Blindness Summary.

Read more from 1st Year (click) The poet John Milton was blessed with an extraordinary talent that is the ability to write poems.
On his blindness summary by John Milton
He taught that God had sent him into this world with a special knack, and it was his duty to make use of the Talent and sense The Almighty.
However, it was quite unfortunate that the poet became blind all of a sudden in the middle of his life. It’s sheltered all his dreams about serving God with his poetry.
He felt so helpless and distressed. He thought that God would be annoyed with him because he must be expecting him to save with his blessing.
On his blindness by John Milton
However, after a great deal of mental stress and effort, he somehow succeeded in convincing himself that God’s Kingdom very huge and thousands of people were serving him day and night. Someone didn’t do anything or it hardly made any difference.
God is not affected by their things in fact even those who were doing nothing and patiently waiting for God’s command, here also serving him in one way or another.
It is God’s will to keep them in the mental state so the people, who are not doing anything are also serving God in their way.

On his blindness summary line by line
In this poem, the poet wants to say, if you were born as a human. Never waste your time in bad work or nor mislead someone.
Because goodwill seeing us what we are doing or Not. He never gives a chance again to change your previous Mistakes, God always follows his own rule.
It depends on you how would you want to get it. If we are not doing anything God also serving in Their way. On his Blindness Summary.
Write down the summary of the poem on his blindness

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