Railway reservation program in C
Hello Dear, Today we learn about Railway ticket Booking Program in C, with help of the Conditional statement If-else and Switch statement (Break & Case). I hope in this program you will learn something new. Lets start… Railway reservation program in C language for ticket booking.
C program for ticket booking
int main()
int class1;
int b;
int a;
int input;
char ch;printf(“\n\t\t\t————–Welcome to the Ranchi Railway station————-\n”);
printf(“\nPress 1 for First Class Seat Reservation!”);
printf(“\n\nPress 2 for Economy Class Seat Reservation!\n “);
scanf(“%d”, &class1);switch(class1)
case 1:
printf(“\n Enter your seat Number in First class:-“);
if (a < 100)
printf(“\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t————–Your Ticketing Details—————-\n”);
printf(“Your Class: First Class”,class1);
printf(“\nYour Seat Number:- %d \n\n“, a);
printf(“\n seats full do you wanna resreved in Economy?:-“);
scanf(” %c“,&ch);
if(ch ==’y’||ch == ‘Y’){
printf(“\nYour ticket has been booked in Economy Class”);
printf(“\nYour Seat Number:- %d \n\n”,a);
case 2:
printf(“\n Enter your seat Number in Economy class:”);
if (b >= 101 || b < 200)
printf(“\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t————–Your Ticketing Details—————-\n“);
printf(“Your Class: economy Class”,class1);
printf(“\nYour Seat Number:- %d“, b);
printf(“\n Sorry seats full do you wanna resreved in First class(Y or N) ?:-“);
scanf(“ %c“,&ch);
if(ch ==’y’||ch==’y’){
printf(“\nYour ticket has been booked in Economy Class”);
printf(“\nYour Seat Number:- %d“,a);
printf(“\n Sorry There is an Error ! Please choose given Option \n\n\t\t\t Thank You “);
}return 0;
C program for the ticket reservation system
C Program to Draw a Rainbow (click)
1st Run
Here you have to give Two Options where you can choose one of them. Let If you choose 1st Option then you get Output like ( Press 1 for first-class and Press 2 for Economy Class)

2nd Run

3rd Run
If you choose the Right option then it’ll proceed else, It tells you { Sorry There is an Error! Please choose the given Option Thank You}

Railway reservation system in C
In case if You Enter a higher Value of Seat then it gives you a Message Like
“Seats full do you wanna reserved in Economy?:-” (Here you Need Press ‘Y’ for Yes and ‘N’ for No) }
Railway reservation program in C language
C program to draw a square using graphics (clickHere)
Note:- Maybe sometime above code doesn’t get user-friendly output, in codeblock ‘or’ any other EDITOR, All of C & C++ program tested in DOS compiler Turbo C.
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