Sketch the character of Malcolm
Sketch the character of Malcolm
Ans. Malcolm is a cool, sagacious, for-seeing man, richly dowered with all the qualities that make for leadership. He seems to be a contrast to his father Ducan, he is wary and cautious, while Duncan is trustful and unsuspecting. Sketch the character of Malcolm

Malcolm character analysis
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Of course, he has learned the lesson of cautiousness in the school of experience. He has to run away and seek safety in England immediately after the murder of his father, and again he has to repel the seductions of Macbeth and to keep himself out of the trap that Macbeth lays for him. He rightly says thal modest wisdom plucks him from the overcredulous host. Sketch the character of Malcolm
Malcolm character
Such he has been his experience that he begins to mistrust everybody. He blackens his character outrageously to test Macduff’s honesty. Constant watchfulness is his leading characteristic. There is certainly no reason to suspect the truth of what he says about himself when he retracts his self-accusation. He is a slave neither of trust nor avarice. Sketch the character of Malcolm
Macbeth characters

He will not act the traitor, even when he is dealing with the Devil, and he will rather risk his life than utter a lie. He is very deeply grateful to the English King for how the latter had received him and offered to help him. But Malcolm does not seem to be gifted with finer sensibilities, He can hardly appreciate Macduff’s grips, he does not seem to have delicacy enough to respect this grief.
His talk of great revenge at the moment seems to be ill-timed. Nor is Malcolm free from a rash optimism. When marching on Dunsinane, he looks forward to promoting and rejoining and for this, he is prompt, though gently rebuked, by the veteran warriors, Seward and Macduff. Sketch the character of Malcolm
Malcolm Macbeth quotes
Lastly, when he is acclaimed King of Scotland by the assembled notes, he is in such an intemperate hurry ‘to make himself even with supporters that one is led to suspect that he does nor credit those supporters with any motive other than the seeking of rewards. Sketch the character of Malcolm