Summary for the old man and the sea
Ans:- The original reaction to The Old Man and the Sea was enthusiastically favorable from all quarters. Not only the public and the general press but distinguished scholars were applying terms like epic, allegory, and parable terms that in retrospect seem suspiciously grandiose as if all were carried away by a dramatic moment and are now embarrassed to deal with the subject at all. Summary for the old man and the sea
Partly as an embarrassed counter-reaction and partly as a natural response to any work of such tremendous popularity, scholars and critics have become increasingly hostile to the book. Disparagement of the book has become an intellectual shibboleth, along with any dispassionate evaluation of the novel extremely difficult.

Read more from English 2nd Year (click) The novel represents different themes and has different strata of meaning Bushmans has studied the novel and examined the theme. He has remarked that the recurrent theme is connected to the artistic structure of the novel. It reveals the relationship between individualism and interdependence.
The Old Man and The Sea is an allegory of man’s life on earth
The hero has learned the importance of Solidarity and interdependence through his individualism. The theme of individualism and interdependence has been appreciated by other critics like Edgar Johnson and Marwell Geigman.
The Old Man is a Strange person and has been unlucky because he has not caught a single fish for eighty-four days. He has fished alone for forty-four days and fished with the boy for another forty days. The boy deserts him thinking him to be an unlucky person.
He has depended on the boy and sailed alone on the mighty ocean and caught his marlin which is mauled by the sharks. The old man is not meant for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated and he will fight them unit! he dies.
In his sequestered life and lovely voyage on the ocean, he experienced kinship with the sea, the birds, the fishes, and the memories of youth. The sea has been kind to an old man a lonely. However, the nature of the ocean is unpredictable.
Identify what you regard as a major theme of The Old Man and the Sea
The novel is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable natural forces in which a kind of victory is possible. It is an epic metaphor for life, a contest in which even the problem of right and wrong seems paltry before the great thing that is the struggle.
It is also something like a Greek tragedy in that as the hero falls and fails the audience may get a memorable glimpse of what stature a man may have.

At it is Christian tragedy is well especially in the several marked allusions to Christian symbolism, particularly of crucifixion a development in Heming way’s novels that begins apparently without much importance in the early ones, gathers strength in Across the river an Into the Trees, and comes to kind of climax in this book.
Santiago, too, falls a victim to the allegory. The few details presented about Santiago’s background suggest a man of heroic stature, but very little energy radiates out the word to warm or inspire the reader.
The total impression of his character is one of almost impressive piety, even though Heming way tries to invest him with that combination of pride and devoutness which to Heming way characterized the best-built fighters.
Theme in the old man and the sea
Neither the momentary doubts which cross his consciousness no the experience of intense pain can come to life and disturb the reader because of the something weight of the unreal language.
Everything negative in Santiago’s experience fades into the lacquered design as simple as interesting variation in texture. In other words, the internal conflict is really a series of rhetorical questions.
The Christian symbolism which Heming way uses throughout his story is subtle and suggestive. The lines which cut into Santiago’s palms draw blood, the cry of ‘Ay when he sees the first of the sharks is just such a noise as a man might make, involuntarily, feeling the nail go through hands and into the wood and as he climbs the hill to his hut.
Santiago stumbles under the weight of the mast and crosstree he is carrying to collapse finally on his bed with his arms put out straight and palms of his lacerated hands upwards.
But, if the story may be read as an allegory of human life, or of the crucifixion, it may also be read as an allegory of the artist’s struggle with his material. It is possible to see Heming way himself, with his lines set accurately at various depths sailing out into the Gulf stream to land his biggest fish after the technical failure of Across the River and Into the Trees.
The old man and the sea summary
The Old man is an expert, who knows that now is the time to think of only one thing. That which I was born far,” “He looked down into the water and watched the lines that went straight down into the back of the water.
He kept them straighter than anyone did so that at each level in the darkness of the stream there would be a bait waiting exactly where he wished it to be her for any fish that Swarm there. Others left them to drift with the current and sometimes they were at sixty fathoms when the fisherman thought they were at the hundred.
But he thought I keep them with precision. Only I have no luck anymore. But who knows? Maybe today Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Summary for the old man and the sea
Then when luck comes you are ready.” The fisherman’s respect for the giant marlin; his resolute struggle to master it, his mounting confidence when he realizes that he is “Learning how to do this part of it anyway”, his fight against the voracious sharks that seek to destroy the beauty and magnificence of his prize and the undefeated courage and hope which, even in failure, will take him out to see again, include amongst their many meaning all that Hemingway has been doing in the practice of his art. Summary for the old man and the sea

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