The Daffodils by William Wordsworth
The Daffodil by William Wordsworth is a poem about nature, it’s composed by William Wordsworth. Once the poem was rooming around the hills suddenly he saw a lot of golden daffodils there. They were at the lake, side, and under the tree.
They were grumbling and dancing by tossing their heads in the pleasant winds. They were shining like stars. They spread far away. That the poet saw loads of them in a single sight.
The waves of the lake were dancing shining and sparkling. They were increasing the duty of the Daffodils. The poet continues to look at the beauty of nature.
The daffodils poem
He became very happy. The scene made a strong print on the poet’s mind. Now, whenever the poet is alone or sorrowful the scene of daffodils comes into his imagination. It makes him happy and removes his loneliness. Thus the scene of daffodils has become the blessing of solitude.

12th Class English Summary
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