The Lake Isle of Innisfree
The Lake Isle of Innisfree is a beautiful island near Ireland. It is the favorite spot of the poet, Innisfree by W.B Yeats.
The poet wants to go to an Innisfree usually in the morning by getting up. He will make a cause of soil and wood. There among the been trees. There will be a honeybee. Their poet will live there alone in the sound of the bees. The poet will feel too much peace. As time will pass, the piece will increase.
According to the poet, in Innisfree morning is full of dues and the sound of a cricket. The evening is full of the fighting of the birds night is shining with moonlight and the day I bright purple color. The poet wants to go therefore ever.
Lake isle of Innisfree by W B Yeats

The poet will hear the sound of the lake -water -whenever he will be on the pavement. The poet will hear every sound and see the beauties of nature by heart and soul. Innisfree is full of peace end beauty.
12th Class English Summary
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