The Literary Heritage
The Literary Heritage is a Book about the collective of a Short story that was written by E.M. Forester, where you can learn and Understand it via this short explanation.
Our economic planners sometimes laugh at in when we are afraid of totalization tyranny resulting from their efforts or rather they senner at us for there is some deep connection between planning and sneering which psychologists should explore.
(The challenge of our time)
Expl. These lines are taken from The challenge of our time (Read here). It is a characteristic of E. M. Forster that he has spoken or written on current political or social issues boldly and frankly. In the course of this international conference on the challenge before the world, she rightly takes
a stand against that view of economic planning which deprives man of freedom and dignity. Nobody can deny the role of planning through which alone the problems of education and hygiene, transport and economy, health and population control can be fully addressed.
But the enthusiasm for planning reaches local tradition and culture and is entirely neglected. Forster is quite right in his understanding that such planning leads to dictatorship in matters of an economy that is not wholesome at all.
There is behind this a sense of superiority on the part of economic planners which is questionable and which is reflected in their response to public criticism.
Instead of going a satisfactory reply to the people’s doubts, they laugh their questions away. In a sarcastic view therefore Forster suggests that there are planners who display pathological symptoms which only a psychologist can explain.
The Literary Heritage Meaning
The people now living and working there are doomed. it is death in life for them and they are now more in a nightmare. The best agricultural land has been taken, they assert; the poor land down by the railway has been left: compensation is inadequate.
(The challenge of our time)
Expl. In his essay, E.M. Forster gives a concrete example of the antipathy of the government to common people’s woes and sufferings. He cites a case from his own village where a huge chunk of land was taken away from the people in the name of construction of the railway.
It is true that the railway is important for the nation as a whole, and there is some justification for the sacrifice of the interests of a smaller section of the population for those of the nation. But in that case, there should be such compensation to the affected people that they could start a new life without economic constraint.
Forster points out that the government officials are quite short-sighted in this respect. As they go on riding against the common man’s wishes little do they realize that the benefits of development will never reach all the sections of the population.
Forster’s opposition to such ruthless planning is not merely emotional; it has a shrewd understanding of pure local customs and traditions that play a positive role in channeling human energy to production goals.
The hint of the pessimistic mood in which the local youth have been left is to suggest that these people can never participate in any activity that could bring them economic gains.
The pair of being forcibly displaced from their native land will not be easily forgotten; their contribution to the production of national wealth will be badly affected by this neglect of their feelings.
Collective of The Literary Heritage
At that moment I did not entirely dislike Mr. Kelada. He reached out for his pocketbook and carefully put in it the hundred-dollar note. ( Mr. Know all )
Expl. Maugham has a very interesting way to develop the brief plots of his short stories to climax and make comments generally in very simple words that illuminate our view of life.
In Mr. Know All he drew up the character of Mr. Kelada only to ridicule him. By his talkativeness by his extrovert behavior and a tactless man hung into every affair of the ship Mr. Kelada earned merely contempt the people, including the narrator, thought him quite a superficial person whose words charmed but did not merit trust.
But the evening when he examined the pearly necklace of Mrs. Ramasay, after declaring he was in the trade of pearly and was about to pass Luis judgment and the suddenly changed his view on seeing the white face of the lady aroused the narrator’s curiosity.
The narrator felt that Mr. Kelada changed his opinion to same Mrs. Ramsay from embarrassment. The proof of it came in the morning when a hundred dollar note was dropped into the cabin the amount was the same as Mr. Ramasay put the bet.
In these lines, finally, the narrator records his full appreciation of the worth of Mr. Kelada which had not been reflected in his otherwise social activities.
Explanation of The Literary Heritage
Industrialising has increased, though it does not dominate the landscape yet as it does in the West. You can see the chimneys of the cotton mills, at Ahmedabad, but you can see its mosque too.
( India Again)
Expl. E.M. Forster declaredly loved India; he was in the country for a long time and he got opportunities to come back twice again. He was greatly interested in the modernization of India though he loved its traditions and beliefs.
It sounds paradoxical. But it is true that Forster never shared the view of the then British administrators planners India had to completely change for the sake of modernity.
At this point of his report in India, Again Forster characteristically registers his view of the changing scene of India around 1945. By that time the capitalists of India understood the need for industrialization. By converted efforts a number of rich merchants set up several cotton mills in Ahmedabad which virtually changed the face of India.

There was the manufacture of cloth at a larger scale, there was employment also at a bigger scale. But the traditional contours of the city did not change abruptly. Along with chimneys of the cotton mills, one could also see the dons of mosques.
This meant that Indian people were not going wholeheartedly to embrace technology and the related secular lifestyle as the West did India wished to retain its difference. The Literary Heritage.
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