Alexander pope as a satirist
Ans:- The character of Alexander. Pope’; is a biographical shared, written by Samuel Johnson, the great critic, thinker, poet, seer, and scholar during classical age in English Language and literature. It has been taken from Johnson’s famous book, The Lives of the Poets. Alexander pope as a satirist

Read more from 1st Year (click) Johnson had great admiration for Alexander Pope and in this article, he has expressed his feelings and understanding about this great stalwart Of the English literary world, Alexander Pope. Pape was a giant personality of his time.
Alexander pope as a poet
He was beautiful in his sensibility. Although his physical constitution was
feeble and weak. Even his body was distorted in front and he did not enjoy good health in his life. His countenance was not at all displeasing and his eyes were animated and vivid. His natural deformity of accidental distortion and his disordered vital functions made his life along and constant series of diseases.
His most frequent assailant was the headache from which he used to get relief by inhaling the steam of coffee which he very frequently required. Pope was always assisted by a domestic lady who knew him after the middle of his life.
Alexander pope an essay on man summary
In fact, most of its petty peculiarities were communicated by this lady. He was so weak ask stand. He was in perpetual need of female attendants. He was also extremely sensitive to cold and he used to wear a kind of fur doublet under a shirt of a very coarse warm linen with fine sleeve.
When he used to get up, he was invested in the bodice, made of stiff canvas, being scarcely able to hold himself erect till they were laced. After then; he used to put on a flannel waistcoat. His one side was contracted.
His legs’ were so slender that he enlarged their bulk with three pairs of stockings that were drawn off and on by the maid-servant. Even he was not able to dress or undress himself and neither he went to bed nor rose without an assistant. His hair of head had fallen almost all away and he used to dine in a velvet cup.

His dress of ceremony was black with a tie-wig and a little sword. His sickness made him a valetudinary man. When he wanted to sleep he nodded. In the company his reputation spread far and beyond.
Write a summary on Character of Alexander Pope
He was considered as a very troublesome inmate. His errands were so frequent and frivolous that footman avoided and neglected him. As a matter of fact, his servants were in great embarrassment., He was very indulged in his appetite.
He loved meat of highly seasoned and was of strong lust. He was a lover of a variety of dishes. As a man, he was not amiable. He used to get delighted in artifice. He hardly drank-tea without a strategy.
He was fretful and easily displeased and allowed himself to be capriciously resentful. In fact, Alexander Pope was an admixture of peculiarities.
As a great personality of his time he left an indelible impact on English literature.
Write critical estimate on Character of Alexander

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