Analysis of god’s grandeur
Generally, G.M Hopkins (Gerard Manley Hopkins) is known to have written poems of spiritual torment, that is, of a deeply felt feeling of frustration over not being entirely dedicated to the service of God. Analysis of god’s grandeur
Being a strict Jesuit he took to heart any failure that he noticed in his daily conduct in the rendering of his service to God. Alternatively, it can be seen that his poems reflected the despair of a person who was deeply concerned for god; and yet who felt being pulled down strongly by something.
Hopkins god’s grandeur
Naturally, his poems make a difficult reading because of an uncommon feeling and also of the terse form in which he renders it.
But there are a few poems in which Hopkins’s reverence for God as manifest in natural phenomena and sundry thing tinds’ almost a biblical expression form its directness of tone and also from the homespun similes and metaphors.
In this poem, Hopkins recreates the sheer brilliance with which everything in the world is endowed by God. It requires a simple attentiveness to see how what appears to be dark is restored to us in a sharply illuminated form in the very next moment.
As is his won’t Hopkins presents this feeling which is actually a great idea, in an argumentative mode, reminding of Jolm Dome’s technique, with the stubble difference that there is no touch of the metaphysical conceit.
Gerard Manley Hopkins god’s grandeur
There is first a general enunciation of the world being charged with the grandeur of God. After this somewhat scientific exposition, Hopkins turns to the more familiar agricultural example. As oil oozing from a machine gathers into an impressive mass so do the impressions of the world in its minute-to-minute change distill actually into a sharp realization of something brilliant and vibrant.
This argument is given a conclusive turn in the second, which is the last stanza of the poem, in the explanation of the sunset changing into the brilliant sunshine. The dark is only a temporary shift of scene. The enduring things are the freshness and the illumination.

God’s grandeur
The deep regret – but this is not a personal lament over generations of men and women remaining indifferent to this divine act of munificence makes the poem sharply poignant in its tone. However, Hopkins is undisturbed in his meditation of the splendor of God.