Character of Antonio in Merchant of Venice
Ans:- Antonio is the central character in Shakespeare’s play, “The Merchant of Venice” at the beginning of the play. We learn that he is a prosperous and kind hurtled Merchant who lives in Venice. The character of Antonio. Character of Antonio in Merchant of Venice

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He is a wonderful friend who helps his extravagant friend Bassanio without expecting a single penny from him in return, He hates Shylock. A Jew who is a money lender and lends money to the people on high Interest, He makes it a point to spit in his face and Insult him, whenever he comes across the Jew.
Character sketch of Antonio in act 1
On the other hand, Shylock also despises him fastly became Antonio is a Christiano, and secondly became he lends money to the people without any interest. It certainly damages Shylock’s own Business Money leading.
However, Antonio’s goodness and generosity are made obvious which is childhood friend comes to him asking for Financial help as he has to go to Belmont to Marry Portia, a wealthy young and beautiful woman whom lots of wealthy things wish to Marry with whom. Bassanio has to compete, Antonio agrees to sign a bond for him.
Merchant of Venice summary
The Bond can lead to his death but he is ready to take the risk for his best friend. This element of sacrifice Antonio to an eliminated position and we cannot help admiring his Basic Virtue. He is a fabulous human being who is helpful not only to his friend but also to the citizens of Venice, whom he lands Money without taking anything in the name of interest. He is respectable and deserves all of our admiration. The character of Antonio in Merchant of Venice

Character sketch of Antonio and shylock

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Antonio merchant of Venice quotes
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