Dante and Shakespeare

Ans:- ‘Dante and Shakespeare’, is a fragment of Prose work, ‘the Hero as a poet in Heroes and Hero-worship’ written by Thomas Carlyle, the great writer, thinker, and scholar during the Victorian period in English language and literature. Dante and Shakespeare Summary

Dante and Shakespeare
Dante and Shakespeare

Read 1st Year Summary (click) In this article, the writer has expressed his views and understanding about two great stalwarts of the world, Dante and Shakespeare, These two great giants had left an indelible effect on the world with their immortal contribution.

Dante’s inferno summary

Dante was an Italian who had embodied musically the realization of the middle ages. Shakespeare left a mammoth effect on the practical ways of thoughts, actions, and understanding by depicting chivalries, courtesies, humor, and ambitions.

.It was Dante who had advocated the doctrine of faith or soul whereas Shakespeare advocated the significance of the body. In fact, Dante was deep and fierce as the central fire of the world but Shakespeare was placid and far-seeing as the Sun.

Italy produced the one voice to the world and England had the honor of producing the other. It is obvious that Shakespeare had to suffer a lot and he had accused of stealing the deer and had felt the tragedies of life.

He had visualized the woods and the sky and due to his inner development of understanding, Shakespeare was close to the subtle feeling of human beings. Shakespeare belonged to the Elizabethan era audio imparted superb contribution.

Dante’s inferno Shakespeare

Dante had produced the practical theme of Christianity, for religion was the soul of practice and the primary vital factor in human life. Before the period of Shakespeare, there existed political as well as religious upheavals. But the Elizabethan era brought blessedness to the people and Shakespeare was considered the free gift of nature.

Dante and Shakespeare
Dante and Shakespeare

We get calmness of depth, faculty of thought, power of vision, placid joyous strength, and unfathomable tranquility in the writings of Shakespeare. There exists a permanent glance of insight with deliberate illuminating of thoughts, scattered in-and-around the plays of Shakespeare.

Carlyle realized that both the great personalities of the world, Dante and Shakespeare were living statues of valor, morality, candor, tolerance, truthfulness, and strength.

They tried their best to guide the people in an effective manner for the benefit of mankind. All the characters as depicted in the plays of Shakespeare are the mouthpieces of human beings and realization.

. Shakespeare was such a personality of his time, who had shattered his age. His characters are like watches with dial plates of transparent crystal. Dante made a great impact on his time due to his uncommon outlook.

Write a critical estimate on Dante and Shakespeare

Both stalwarts have contributed a lot to the welfare of mankind. This article is the subtle expression and intense realization of the writing of two giants, Dante and Shakespeare.

The way of delineation is in direct narration. The words applied are penetrative in approach. Dante and Shakespeare Summary


Dante and Shakespeare
Dante and Shakespeare

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