Donald Farfrae Character Analysis
He has a pleasing personality and amiable manners about him. His character may, however, be seen as follows.
Read more from English 2nd Year (click) Farfrae is à man of remarkably pleasant aspects. He is ruddy and of a fair countenance, bright-eyed and slight in build. He has a delicate body but a sharp mind. His appearance always appeals to the ladies.

Character Analysis Donald Farfrae
It is his fairness and handsomeness that create a curious mixture of pout and laugh on the face of Lucatta who at once falls in love with him. Elizabeth likewise is bewitched by his first appearance at the three Marines.
Then, Farfrae is a man of pleasing manners. It is his manners that win him love and affection from his superiors, equals, and infernal.
Farfrae is intensely fond of music. He is excellent at Scottish harmonies. When he sings the’ philosophic party at the Three Marriness becomes so much enthralled that “they neither whispered, nor drank, nor dipped their pipe steams in their ale to moisten them, nor pushed the mugs to their neighbors.”
His songs were so emotional that one of the ‘foolish party’ cries: “Folks don’t lift up their hearts like that in this part of the world.”
Donald Farfrae in The Mayor of Casterbridge
In fact, the difference in accent, the excitability of the singer, the instance local feeling, and the seriousness with which he worked himself up to a climax, surprised this set of worthies, who were only too prone to shut up their emotions with caustic words.”

Farfrae’s attitude towards Henchard is always friendly and cooperative. Even after his estrangement from Henchard, he does not wish evil on him. He says, ” He was once my friend and it’s not for me to take business from him. Donald Farfrae Character Analysis
I am sorry the trade of man who’s been so kind to me.” When Henchard goes bankrupt, Farfrae comes forward to help him, establish his business once again.
When the purchases Hanchard’s property, he made this offer to him, “I wish ye (you) to tick out all that you care to have such things as may be entered to ye by associations or particularly suited to your use.” Even when he is ill-treated by Henchard he does not lose his temper and bears all humiliation patiently. This enhances his popularity.
Sketch the character of Donald Farfrae
Being a scotch, Farfrae is a lover of wealth which he intends to earn from the business. He has a worldly-wise and practical sense. He tells Lucetta, “it’s better to stay at home and that’s true, but a man must live where his money is made.”
In business, he is always successful, for he is shrewd, calculating, and far-sighted. When Henchard first meets him, “I have a splendid fellow to superintend my business now.” All his men are impressed by his way of doing and handling things Jopp says, “He has such a knack of marking everything bring him a fortune”.
In his trade, he makes various innovations and introduces new methods and techniques which are well appreciated in Casterbridge. This also reveals his spirit of enterprise. In fact, Farfrae stands for new ideas whereas Henchard is orthodox.
Michael Henchard and Donald Farfrae have a made difference in their mental disposition and general approach to life. While Henchard rises to be the Mayor by virtue of his amazing lower, Farfrae becomes one by virtue of his ‘northern energy’ or native sagacity’ Though a romantic notion dings to him.
Farfrae is after all a matter-of-fact young man. No doubt he is lucky as the ambiguous Jacob. Henchard is like Faust, “a vehement gloomy being who had quitted the ways of vulgar men, without light to guide him in a better way.” But Farfrae is not devoid of this light.
Donald Farfrae
He is an impassioned, gay, worldly being with light to guide him on a better path in life.
It is also interesting to have a role in the character of Farfrae that he has little inner life. Hardy pays little attention to his inner life – only a few polite exclamations in times of tragic or adverse circumstances.
In many undemonstrative people, strong emotions and sympathies lie hidden. But Farfrae is not undemonstrative. Nothing lies deep in him. His principles and charm make him seem to be a full man, but he is a calculating machine and cannot help being such. Donald Farfrae Character Analysis

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