Fundamental of Java 

Dear student, First I want to Declare to you, In this Article, I should provide only the Fundamentals of Java. Here you’ll found, some Basic knowledge about Java, in other words Why Java, How it’s work system, What’s need for Java, History about java and Which type of Language is Java, etc. Fundamental of Java

And the bottom section you will find Short Basic Knowledge about Java-like, What is, JVM, JDK, API, Object, Class, And More….. Learn happily..:- Author


Java History:-

Java is an Object-Oriented Programming Language developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (now acquired by the Oracle Corporation), in 1995 Java is a platform-independent language. In Java, the Java programs do not interact with OS directly. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is used as an abstraction between the OS and the Java programs.

This makes Java programs highly portable, a Java program can run on all supported platforms (e.g., Windows or Linux) without any modification Java initially called Oak after an oak tree that stood outside Gosling’s office and later renamed Java because ‘Oak’ was a name already used by an older language.

The name ‘Java’ is taken from the famous coffee bean of java island you can see the Java logo is also a cup of coffee. It is not an acronym for “Just Another Vague Acronym.” The main purpose of developing the Java language is to control consumer electronic devices. Fundamental of Java

Fundamental of Java 
Fundamental of Java

Java Features:-

The inventors of Java want to design a language that could offer a solution to some of the problems encountered in modern programming. They want the language to be not only reliable portable and distributed but also simple compact and interactive Sun microsystems officially describe Java with the following attributes.

All the above appear to be a list of buzzwords that describe the full potential of the language. These features have made Java the first application language of the world wide web. Java will also become the premier language for a general-purpose stand-alone application.

Compiled and interpreted:-

Usually, a computer language is either compiled or interpreted. Java combines both this approach thus making java a two-stage system. First Java compiler translates source code into what is known as byte-code instruction.

Byte-code is not machine instruction and therefore in the second stage Java interpreter, generate Java interpreter, generate stage Java interpreter, generate the second stage Java interpreter, generate Java interpreter generates stage Java interpreter, generate machine code that can be directly executed by the machine that is running the Java program. We can just say thus Java is both a compiled and an interpreted language.

Platform Independent and portable:-

The most significant contribution of Java over the language, Language is its portability. Java programs can be easily moved from one computer system to another anywhere and anytime. Changes and upgrades in operating system processes and system resources will not foresee any changes in Java programs.

This is the reason why Java has become a popular language for programming on the internet interconnects different’s kinds of systems worldwide. We can download a java applet from a remote computer onto our local system via the Internet and execute it locally.

This makes the internet an extension of the user’s basic system providing users basic system providing a practically unlimited number of accessible applets and applications.
Java insurance portability in two ways:-

1. First Java compiler generates byte-code instruction that can be implemented on any message.
2. Secondly the size of the primitive data types is machine-independent.


Java is an object-oriented language. Almost everything in java is an object. All program code on the other side with an object and classes. Java comes with an extensive set of classes arranged in a package that we can use in our programs by inheritance. The object model in Java is simple and easy to extend.

Robust and Secure:-

Java is a robust language it provides safeguards to insert reliable code. It has district compile-time and run-time checking for data types. It is designed as a garbage-collected language relieving the programmers of Virtually all memory management problems. Java also incorporates the concept of exception handling which captures the series error and eliminates and risk of crashing the system.

Security becomes an important issue for a language that is used for programming on the internet. The threat of viruses and abuse of the sources are everywhere. Java System not only verified all memory access but also in so that’s no virus are communicated with an applet.

The absence of pointers in Java ensures that programs cannot get access to memory locations without proper authorization.


Java is designed as a distributed longer for creating applications on the network. It can share both data and programs. Java applications can open and access remote objects on the internet as easily as they can do in a local system.

This enables multiple programs at multiple remote locations to calibrate and work together on a single project.

Simple small and familiar:-

Java is a small and simple language. Many features of C and C++ that are either redundant or source of unreliable code are not part of Java.

For example, Java does not use the pointer processor header file to go to statements and many others. It’s also elements operator overloading and multiple inheritances.

Multi-threaded and interactive:-

Multi-threaded means handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Java support multi-threaded program. This means that we need not wait for the application to finish one task before beginning and others.

For example, we can listen to an audio clip while scrolling a page and at the same time download an applet from a distant computer.

This feature greatly improves the interactive performance of graphical applications.
The Java Run-time comes with tools that support multi-process synchronization and construct its monthly running interactive systems.

High performance:-

Java performance is impressive for an interpreter language mainly due to the use of intermediate byte-code. According to Sun Java Speed is comparable to the native C / C + +.

A java architecture is also designed for architecture is also designs to reduce overheads during run-time. Further incorporation of multi-threading in hence the overall execution speed of Java program.

Dynamic and extensible:-

It is a dynamic language. Java is capable of dynamic linking in new class libraries methods and objects. It can also determine the type of class through a query making it possible to add dynamically linked or about the program depending on the response.
Java program support function writes in other languages such a c and C++.

These functions are not native methods this facility enables the programs to use the function of the equation available in the languages. Native methods are linked dynamically at run time.

Ease of development:-

Java 2 standard edition 5.0 supports features to search a generic enhanced for loop, Auto-boxing, and UN-boxing, Typesafe Enums, Varargs, Static import, and annotation. This feature produced the work of the programmer by shifting the responsibility of creating the reusable code to the compiler.

The resulting source code is a free-form box because the errors made by the compiler are less than compared to those made by programmers. Thus, each of the linguistic features is designed to develop Java programs more efficiently.

Monitoring and manageability:-

Java supports many APIs, such as JVM monitoring and Management API, send management platform extension logging monitoring and management interfaces, and the Java management extension to monitor and manage Java applications.

For example, Java provides JVM monitoring and management API to track the information at the application level and JVM level when deploying a large application.

A Java Program to write such jconsole, job,jatay, and karate to make use of monitoring and management facility. For example, a GUI based tool called console is used to monitor the JVM.

Desktop Client:-

J2SE 5.0 provide enhanced features to meet the requirement and challenges of the Java desktop users. It provides an improved Swing look feel Called, Ocean. This feature is mainly used for developing graphics applications that require OpenGL hardware acceleration.

End Fundamental of Java…

Short Question From Java

POP:- Procedure-oriented programming (POP) language is a programming language in which a list of instructions is given to the computer to follow, to perform a task. These instructions are organized into groups which are known as functions(procedures) BASIC, BCPL, C, COBOL, etc. all are Procedure oriented programming languages.

OOP:- Object-Orientated programming (OOP) language is based on objects, instead of just functions and procedures. It is an instance of a class, which allow individual objects to be group together. C+ +, C#, JAVA, Eiffel, etc all are Object-oriented programming languages.

JDK:- Java Development Kit is a set of tools that are used for Developing Java Programs.

JRE:- Java Runtime Environment is a collection of libraries and other components that are required to run code written in Java language.

JCL:- Java Class Library is a set of libraries that Java applications can call at run time.

Source Code:- It is a code written by the programmer in a human-readable form with proper programming syntax.

Bytecode:- Bytecode is the intermediate code generated by the Java compiler. Bytecode is run by JVM instead of the original machine (computer processor) This code is platform-independent.

JVM:- Java Virtual Machine, a traditional execution environment converts Java bytecode into the machine for execution.

API:- Application Programming Interface, is an interface implemented by a software program that enables it to interact with the other software’s.

Applets:- Java programs that can be run as a are the small part of the web- documents. It is used for Internet computing.

Thread:- Thread is a small program (or a part of a program) having a single flow of execution

Inheritance:- When a class inherits or acquires the property of another class, this is known as Inheritance.

Object:- Object is an instance of class .lt is a real-world implementation of the class having all those property values which are defined or structured in the class.

Tokens:- Tokens are the Smallest individual units in a program. They are individual words, symbols, and punctuation marks.

Identifier:- It is a tag name for a particular entity. ( for example variable, function). Which uniquely identifies it.

Programming Language:- It is an artificial language that is used to design instructions that are executed by a particular machine(computer) for performing some tasks(computation, evaluation, etc.)


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