Hemingway’s philosophy of life in The Old Man and Sea
Ans:- Hemingway did not believe in any systematic philosophy of life. He has only given an artistic expression to some of the harsh realities of life that he lived and saw. Hemingway’s philosophy of life in The Old Man and Sea
Read more from English 2nd Year (click) He is not seen working on a particular system, but on the final questions, he has always shown himself a skeptic. He was a Roman Catholic, yet he never seems to have been under the influence of the metaphysical doctrines of Christianity.
Philosophy of life in the Old Man and Sea

His most devout characters are only devoutly mystified by the universe. Both Anselmo of For Whom the Bell Tolls and Santiago of The Old Man and the Sea disclaims their religiosity. Sometimes Hemingway seems to be pessimistic as in the parable of the doomed ants on the burning log in The Farewell to Arms.
Likewise, Santiago says, “Everything kills everything else in some way”. Even the small bird that rests for a moment on the fishing line may be grabbed by a hawk before reaching land; at best it may take its chance “like any man, or bird or fish”.
Hemingway’s philosophy of life in The Old Man and Sea
Hemingway has pictured in his novels the modem man’s dilemma. The world of his novels is the world of war and death. According to Spiller, Hemingway had but “a single theme how a man may meet death in a world stripped of all values”.
The typical character of Hemingway’s world faces defeat and death. But out of defeat or death, the character usually manages to gain something. The message of Hemingway is that hope lies in individual courage.
Comment on Hemingway the old man and the sea

The great heroes of Hemingway consequently show extraordinary fortitude even while on the point of break-down and death. Hemingway’s heroes
are not squealers, welchers compromises, or cowards.
When they confront defeat they realize that the stand they take, and their stoic endurance mean a kind of victory. If they are to be defeated, they are defeated upon their own terms; some of them have even courted defeat.
In this, they have certainly maintained and ideal for themselves some definition of how a man should behave – by which they have lived.
Hemingway’s philosophical preoccupation is primarily ethical.
Philosophy of Hemingway’s in the old man and the sea
Death may be inevitable, but for Hemingway and his heroes, this merely emphasizes the need to live each moment properly and skilfully.
Dying well is for Hemingway the crucial; corollary to living well.
Rebert Jordan in For Whom the Bell Tolls fights off an impulse to kill himself to end the anguish of a badly broken leg and avoid possible capture; he says, “You can do nothing for yourself but perhaps you can do something for yourself but perhaps you can do something for another”.
Hemingway’s heroes perish, die, or are defeated not just because of their sacrifice, but because they have not forsaken the principle of courage. Santiago in The Old Man and Sea says.
“A man may be destroyed but not defeated Hemingway is always conscious of the fact that death awaits every man at some tum perhaps not far along the way, and he continually reminds us that it is our “performance a route” that counts for good or bad.
This is seen in The Old Man and the Sea.
Hemingway’s philosophy of life in The Old Man and Sea

The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway
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