Life and death poem summary
Ans:- Life and Death’, is an extract of The Holy Bible, Ecclesiastes 1, Il-XVIII and 12, 1-VII. It deals with the significance of life and death from the perspective of human beings. Life and death poem summary

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All the persons are created by God and He loves all in an equal manner. There ‘maybe some superficial differences but in fact, there lies similarity. It may be, possible that there exists diversity in unity. Some persons are noble and good by heart whereas the rest are malicious.
It is salubrious that there must be-congenial relations, among the people. Some persons sacrifice themselves for the sake of others whereas some of them indulge in nefarious activities. Life and death poem summary
The Holy Bible preaches us to be good and kind by heart. There must be positive hopes and aspirations for the upliftment of human beings. It is obvious that a living dog is better than a dead lion. Death is inevitable and it does not discriminate among the people.
Death wipes’ out the existence of a human being’s incomplete manner. There should be no atrocity ‘in the world’ because love, hatred ness, and conservative thoughts are also transitory. There should. be fraternity among’, the people.
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God is our great creator and he is omniscient, omnipotent omnipresent and Almighty and he observes all our deeds at close quarters. The wife is called the life-partner of a man and thus the creation of human beings goes ahead with a union of a man and woman under the sun.
The work, desire, knowledge, and wisdom impart assistance in life for better prosperity. The sun is the symbol of God and we get rays of the sun in equal f amount. It is fruitful to pass our time in healthy deeds because if we act in nefarious ways, is cocksure that all wits will be entrapped in an evil net, likewise the fish or the birds.
The Holy Bible suggests we not to be ensnared in evil activities. Wisdom is our great asset and we must be helpful to all. It is an axiom that wisdom is. better than strength and we must pay respect to the thoughts of others, devoid of any partiality.

The Holy Bible also teaches us that the words of wise men keep more importance than filthy persons. It is also a well-settled principle that wisdom is better than weapons of war. It is the sinner who destroys the goodness of others.
.Our great creator also keeps vigilance on our deeds. The youth of the period perform noble work. The sun, the light, the moon; the stars, the clouds, and other natural objects are the symbols of Great creator.
Life and death quotes
After death, we will have to give an account of our deeds before him. [t is crystal clear that heaven is the permanent abode of God and after death, we are called by Him to live with Him.
As a matter of fact, the soul is an ingredient of God and after death, soul mingles in the supreme authority of God. This shared of the Holy Bible is compacted with a great lesson. It is loaded with ecclesiastic thoughts and understanding.
Life vs death
The way of evocation is it; the style of the catechism. The expressions are piercing in effect. The Great preachings are presented in a superb manner. Life and death poem summary

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