Love for love
Ans. Love for love The best-known stock character of Restoration comedy is the wit. The cult of wit and verbal wordplay was at its height in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, and such writers as Alexander Pope, Oliver Goldsmith, and Samuel Johnson are known as much for their wit and skill in conversation as for their writing. love for love

Love for love by William Congreve summary
Since power and influence were often obtained through social settings, and ability to use words articulately and with air could not only gain a person’s prestige and respect but tangible benefits as well. Reflecting this aspect of society, Restoration plays often have as their primary characters men and women who succeed by their wit. love for love
Often the humor in such plays comes from two sources: first the ridiculous. Often sexual, predicaments in which the characters find themselves (this humor was meant to appeal to lower-class audiences); second, from the eloquence subtlety and with snow by the characters as they subtly Insult each other and tie their opponents in verbal knots. in Love for Love, the main wit is Angelica-which is ironic, for in these plays the wit are generally men. love for love
love for love summary
Many of the male characters- Scandal, Sir Sampson, Valentine, and even Jeremy-use their wit to ridicule others or to get what they want. Closely related to the character of the wit is the rake. The rake was another stock character of Restoration comedy-a male who took pride in seducing the women around him. the women seduced by rakes could range from servants to the wives of important men, but the rake does not care about the consequences of his actions. In Love, for Love three rakes all appear together in the first act Valentine, Scandal and Tattle. love for love
Valentine shows himself to be utterly amoral when the nurse of his illegitimate child asks him for money and he says, with disgust, that she should have “overlaid”, or smothered, the child. At the end of the play, Valentine (defeated by Angelica’s superior wit) gives up his rakishness for his lady’s love. Tattle is an unsuccessful or classless rake, for he brags about his conquests, In the first act, Scandal, using his command of language to his advantage, tricks Tattle into admitting an affair with Mrs.
Frail With an insatiable appetite for gossip, Scandal gets Tattle to name six other conquests in exchange for keeping silent about the affair. A true rake keeps his seductions to himself, to better create an air of mystery and allure about in. Scandal is the true rake here, for he not only seduces a married woman (Mrs. Foresight), he does so secretly.
Discuss Congreve’s concept of love and marriage as presented in ‘Love for love’