Scandinavian borrowings in English Language
Ans. Scandinavian loan-words enrich English vocabulary to a great extent due to its heterogeneous varieties. It left tremendous and indelible effects in making vividness to the English language. Scandinavian borrowings in the English Language

Read more from 1st Year (click) Many common words that are used commonly and frequently in English belong to the Scandinavian origin.
e.g., man, wife, father, house, sorrow, life, and others Many verbs like hear, bring, meet, can sit, stand and others are of Scandinavian likewise it, many adjectives and adverbs in the English language likewise full, better, mine, best, thine, under, over, etc.
belong to the Scandinavian rootlet. Many English words that are repeatedly used in the English language are of Scandinavian origin like daily, farl, blend, and other. The Danes had used Scandinavian forms in their speech.
The ones in England had settled down close to the Anglo-Saxon and thus laid introduction of the Scandinavian forms of many words in the English language like a whole – hale, rear – raise, from-fro, shriek – screech, know-nay, less- lose, edge – egg, etc.
There are other Scandinavian words whichever infused and confined to the dialects of the north of England and Scotland;
e.g. (dew-dag), (Church-kirk), (neat-nowt), (churn-Kim), (mouth-mum), (earth-garth), and others many native words of English dialects have been replaced by many important pairs of words which are of Scandinavian and these are (birde-birth), (though-they), (ele-awe), (sworn – swain), (chetel – kettle), (swister- sister), etc.
It is evident that in many words like yield (guild), yet (get), gift (gift), you (give). The English letter y has been replaced by the letter g of a Scandinavian language.
It is Scandinavian words that replaced many ambiguity and confusion of the English language. It is seen that many Scandinavian pronouns like they them and they are used in less distinct, native form.
In the English language, many other Scandinavian pronouns were usually adopted. During the earliest diffusion of Scandinavian loan, words were closely related to evar and the navy and such words include arrest (battle), Dylan (marshal), law (mall thrall, by law), lysing (freedom), steam (summon) window, crave, knife, steak), etc. Scandinavian borrowings in English Language
are Scandinavian we see that many nouns like husband, skull, sky, yellow, wing, root, skin, gate, anger, skill, haven, etc are closely related to Scandinavian origin – A host of Scandinavian adjectives like meek, cant, loose, low, happy, rotten, ugly, ill, wrong, odd, seemly and others are of this origin.
Many verbs like a scare, want, call, take, heat, thrive, cast, die, drawn, task, skulk, scrub, scream, guess, gape, man sack, are of Scandinavian origin.
It is Scandinavian origin which infused many grammatical terms into English language and chief of them are they, them, their, same, both, even pronominal adverbs like hitting, the then, thence, whence, whether, Hence, a d some conjunctions like though and preposition like from, fill directly linked to the Scandinavian origin.

Scandinavian loan words carry democratic nature within itself. Some occasional loan words in the English language belong to technical vocabulary and these are associated with the north countries.
We see many such words like the sky, scold, miking, troll, saga, tungsten, and meals remind to its originality of Scandinavian loan words. Scandinavian borrowings in English Language
It is crystal clear that Scandinavian endings are profusely used in the nomenclature of many towns, villages, homesteads, dairy farms, and pastures, for example – Grimsby, Whitby, Rugby, Thoresby, Althrope, Gawthorpe, Bishopthorpe Linthorpe, Braithwaite, Applithwaite, Couperthwaite, Longthwaite, Satterthwaite, Eastoft, Brimtoft, Zowestoft, Longtoft, Hauerbrack, Nortoft, Norbreck, and other.
As a matter of act Scandinavian loan words left a colossal and tremendous effect on the Subtleness and vividness of the English language and made it gigantic in form and touchy in effect. Scandinavian borrowings in English Language

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