Short note on Jane Austen as a novelist.

Short note on Jane Austen as a novelist

Write a short note on Jane Austen as a novelist

Ans. Jane Austen (1775-1817) was the greatest female novelist during the first quarter of the 19the century. Jane Austen as a novelist

She wrote six novels in all & all of them carry the stamp of her draft & artifice. She gained fathomless prestige in the field of literature. She is aptly called as a careful, serious & conscious writer.

Jane Austen as a novelist
Jane Austen as a novelist

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Jane Austen as a novelist

Her novels show her fine sense of sensibility. She wrote six novels in her short spang life These novels are:

1. Sense & Sensibility.
2. Pride & Prejudice.
3. Mansfield Park.
4. Emma.
5. Northanger Abbey.
6. Persuasion.

She was very careful in presenting plot, dialogues humor & characters in her novels. All her novels are modeled on one particular pattern.

1. Sense & Sensibility:-

This novel is satirical in tone & in a subdued ironical tone, she ridicules sentimentalists. In his novel, Jane Austen ridicules the selfishness & worldly wisdom of a Mrs, John Dashwood & the henpecked nature of John Dashwood, In the sense the style is ironic & the dialogues are piquant & trenchant.

2. Pride & Prejudice:-

This novel is considered as the finest novel of Jane Austen & is a fine work of art in the history of English fiction. It carries incomparable freshness & sharpness. These lies an exhibition of pride & prejudice in hilarious spirit.
The characters of this novel Elizabeth Bennett, Mr. Collins, Mr. Shandy, Mr. Bennett & others are of high order in presenting the situations.

3. Northanger Abbey:-

Jane Austen as a novelist
Jane Austen as a novelist

This novel is full of burlesque & romantic sense. The incidents are average commonplace with touchy satirical observation. In it the heroine Catherine Morland is full of imaginative qualities & she had presented exciting situations. The Abbey was luxurious & full of stormy nature. As a matter of fact, this novel presents the outlook of Jane Austen.

4. Mansfield Park:-

This novel is a serious study of inhabitants of the area. The central character of this novel are Fanny Price. The characters of Lady Bertran & Sir Thomas Bertran have been drawn in a sensitive manner. This novel carries the reaction of Jane Austen concerning Evangelism.

5. Emma:-

This novel is full of gaiety with a sense of gravity. The heroine of this novel is Emma Woodhouse who carries an average womanhood. She takes injudicious attempts to find a husband for Harrel. All the situations & they are touchy in effect.

Discuss Jane Austen as a novelist

6. Persuasion:-

It is the last novel of Jane Austen & it carries mild ridicules. In it, the novelist has presented tender expression & tradition. The chief character is Anne who is forced by the social prejudice to break off her engagement to Fredrick Wentworth with whom she was deeply in love. The situations of this novel are piercing in effect.
Jane Austen was the living novelist of her age with supreme command. She showed her unique skill in plot constructions. She was undoubted by the greatest woman novelist with distinct moral purpose. She is remembered for her craftsmanship, purity & simplicity of her style & themes.


Jane Austen as a novelist
Jane Austen as a novelist

Write a short note on Jane Austen as a novelist

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