Short note on John Dryden
Short note on John Dryden
Ans. John Dryden (1631-1700) was a versatile genius. He wrote several works. He was a poet, dramatist, and critic. Short note on John Dryden

John Dryden as a poet
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(i) Dryden’s Poetry:-
(a) Heroic Stanzas on the Death of Cromwell (1659) is a work of directness, strength, and metrical skill.
(b) Astrea Redeux (1660) exhibits Dryden’s poetical craftsmanship. sonorous and dignified phrases are used in it and show Dryden’s potential mastery over the heroic couplet.
(c) Annus Mirabilis (1667) is a spirited account of two historical events. It is written in Quatrains. It shows flexibility and eases in verse form, vigor, and striking imagery.
(d) Absalom and Achitophel (1681, Part I) is a satirical poetic work. It portrays a sharp penetration of human nature. It shows the unique command of Dryden over heroic couplet and verse argument.
(e) The Medal (1682) is a short satire, It argues about the unfitness of Republican institutions of England.
(f) Mac Elecknoe (1682) is a personal satire on Shadwell. It is full of coarseness and bitterness.
(g) Absalom and Achitophel (Part-11) (1686) It is of 200 lines and contains a satiric portrait of Shadwell.
(h) Religio Laici (1682) is a long narrative poem, rising out of religious controversies, Dryden’s power over verse argumentation is evident in it.
(i) Hind and the Panther (1687) is didactic poetical work. It manifests an allegorical defense of roman catholicism. It manifests Dryden’s reversal of religious beliefs.
(j) Translations of Classical authors:- Dryden made translations of great work of authors like Ovid, Boccaccio, and Virgil and others his translations were and popular.
(k) Lyrical poems:- Dryden composed many lyrical poems like A song for St. Cecilia’s day (1687) Alexander’s feast (1697) and Ode’ to Anee killigrew (1686).

John Dryden essay of dramatic poesy
(ii) Dramatics Works:-
(a) The wild gallant (1663) is the first play of Dryden. It is a comedy of manners.
(b) Heroic plays of Dryden are:- The Rivals (1663), The Indian emperor (1965), Tyrannick (1669), Conquest, Granada (1669), Aurangzeb (1675), The Spanish trior (1681).
(c) Blank verse tragedies:- Dryden wrote all for love (1678), Don Sebastian 1690, Cleomenes (1692) and Love Triumphant (1694).
John Dryden all for love summary
(iii) Prose Works:-
(a) Essay of Dramatic Poesie (1668).
(b) The essay on satire.
(c) Essay on epic poetry.
(d) Preface to Tables Dryden was the greatest poet of the Restoration period. In a true sense. He was the scintillating star in the welkin of English literature.
John Dryden all for love

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