The Country of The Blind
The Country of The Blind is a short story written by H. G. Wells began his writing career by writing stories with a semi-scientific flavor, based on the imaginative development of some fact of science.
Wells resembles Dickensin origin, but unlike Dickens, he is not content merely to make the social system more tolerable; he is ready and anxious to reconstruct the world. He sifts all conventional values and reconstructs a new world. The present piece is one such attempt.
The story is about a new world of his imagination. The island, which H. G. Wells describes, is a new and strange place, inhabited by blind persons Gradually a contrast is built up between the conventional world of normal people and the world of blind people.
The country of the blind summary
Then there is the idea of evil in the world, created more often by rigid conventions than by any conscious input wells suggests also how this evil can be counteracted The island which Wells refers to was not entirely unknown to the people.
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There was a sense of fear that checked people from wandering into this territory The Jand was otherwise in excellent condition-Sweet water, grassy meadows, a good climate, and luscious fruits made the life of the inhabitants of the country of the Blind pleasant.
After an earthquake cut the island completely off from the rest of the world it remained unvisited by any normal person, that is, a person who had his sight intact.
H.G. wells the country of the blind
But after a couple of years, Nunez, a mountaineer wandered into their country. He had gone out to look for loose stones to raise his piece of the shelter wall that his party had built up. He had fallen into a valley where he lay unconscious the whole night.
In the morning after he woke up, he found a sort of chimney-way dripping with snow water. He climbed it and came at last into the valley. He sat down in the shadow of a rock, rested there for a while before he went on to the houses.
Those were strange houses whose walls were smeared with a plaster that was of irregular hue and shape. And then he understood it was the work of a blind man, and he knew he was in the country of the Blind. In the beginning, he met a group of three natives who led him to the village for a meeting with the elder citizens.
He was closely questioned by them though they did not understand the words in which he described the world he belonged to.
The country of the blind analysis
Name of the creation and the universe they had-this quite suited to their circumstances of which the deprivation of the sight formed an important part After he made desperate attempts to teach them the value of sight one day he tried to hurt them with a spade in anger.
But he noticed that they were alert and ready to face the attack in spite of being without vision. The natives got armed with spades and sticks and started pursuing him. In panic here an away and when he found himself surrounded by a cordon be struck a man with his spade.
The man died It was a humble experience. He managed to escape from the blind aggressors and stayed outside the valley for two nights and days without food or shelter.
At last, he returned to them and was forgiven. He agreed that he did not see. After he was made a bonafide citizen of the valley he was allowed to form social relationships.

The country of the blind hg wells
In course of time, he grew attached to Medina, the daughter of Yacob. The natural opposition to their marriage was eventually overcome after Nunez agreed to have a surgical operation to have his eyes removed Even Medina wanted that Nunez should lose his eyes.
Nunez consented to for the sake of Medina. But one day when he thought deeply about the possible darkness he was going to enter into he shuddered. He ran away quietly from the valley, determined to find a way out.