The Scarlet Letter Summary
Today we Read about The Scarlet Letter summary and The moral vision of The Scarlet Letter Comment on Hawthorne’s moral vision The theme of sin and redemption in the Scarlet Letter we Read Today.
Ans. ‘The Scarlet Letter summary is a sensitive novel, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the great American essayist, novelist, thinker, and observer of the English language and literature.
It depicts situations, human weakness, sexual perversion, cruel social treatment, nobility, retaliation, and submissiveness in an exalted manner. It is compacted with tribulation, mental pain, agony, and harshness.
The Scarlet Letter Sparknotes
Hester Prynne, Pearl, Roger Chillingwortandand h, and Arthur Dimmesdale are the principal characters, and the whole situations and incidents of the novel move around them. Hester was a weak creature in sex and temperament and thus she became the worst victim as depicted in the novel.
As a natural instinct, she linked herself with Arthur Dimmesdale in a licentious manner for it, she suffered a lot at the hands of society. She had committed adultery “She had to face the abuses of the people at the scaffold.
Her child Pearl was also on the scaffold and she had to carry on her breast” the letter A’ as infliction and social ostracism. She was repeatedly requested to disclose the name of her fellow sinner but she kept mum. Her silence was in a real sense a deep of her exulted understanding and bruised feelings.
Justify the title of the Scarlet Letter
Roger Chillingworth, a renowned physician was noble by heart but he wanted to take revenge against the fellow sinner of Hester. He was permitted to provide the best medical treatment to Arthur Dimmesdale.
Hester was a lady of strong will and unflinching convictions and she decided to lead her life in Boston and pass her time in altruism. She was versed in the art of embroidery and had changed the outlook of society towards her.
She was suffering a lot but she bore all calamities with bubbling courage. Arthur Dimmesdale was getting spiritual pain and many times he decided to accept his guilt publicly but his vocation did not permit him to lose his status.
Summary of The Scarlet Letter
Roger Chillingworth had chosen Arthur Dimmesdale as a spiritual guide and there arose intimacy between them. Accidentally, Hester came across Arthur Dimmesdale and she disclosed the fact that Roger Chillingworth was her husband.
The beauty of Pearl was divine and Hester used to get mental consolation from her child Pearl. Hester also decided to elope with Arthur Dimmesdale because she did not like the activities of her husband.
But on the New holiday, Arthur Dimmesdale decided to make penitence and he reached on the scaffold and opened his chest on which the letter A’ was marked. Soon he showed remorse and died instantly.
The death of Arthur Dimmesdale left drastic change on all. Roger Chillingworth could not survive for a long period and Hester along with Pearl left Boston for good.

The Scarlet Letter Character
This novel carries a series of symbols, the letter ‘A’ is itself pregnant with thoughts that were once scorned by the people. At the inception of the novel, the letter A’ was the symbol of adultery but later on, it became the symbol of goodness and holiness.
The forest, light, brook, Pearl, and other situations are loaded with symbolic understanding. This novel is touchy, piercing, and impressive in its approach. The novelist has delineated the situation in an exalted, superb, vivid, and consummate manner.
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