What is dramatic irony Illustrate it from Macbeth
What is dramatic irony Illustrate it from Macbeth
Ans. The dramatic irony arises from the double meaning of a speech or action on the stage. It conveys one meaning to the spectators who are in know, and another to the character or characters who own certain facts influencing the destinies of the characters. What is dramatic irony Illustrate it from Macbeth

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Dramatic irony definition literature
The spectators can see what is going to happen in light of the facts or catch the drift and movement of action. Sometimes the irony is verbal; for example, when the character utters something of which the deeper meaning flashes on the audience, but is untaught of by the character himself.
Sometimes it arises from the situation, Suftlest irony, undreamt of by the speaker himself, marks. Duncan’s speech at the point of Macbeth’s entrance. “There’s no art To find the mind’s construction in the face, He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust.” Duncan never suspects that the remark applies to Macbeth as well.
Macbeth is to betray his trust in a way, which is the spectator’s party apprehend and see. The face is no index in the heart. Scene VI is conceived in a spirit of irony, Macbeth’s castle is to be the scene of the most dastardly murder. Duncan’s rapturous admiration of the sight of the castle sounds the note of the most tragic irony.
This castle hath a pleasant seat, the air Nimbly and sweetly it recommends itself Unto our gentle senses’. Duncan is blissfully ignorant that this castle with its whole-air, gracious and inviting looks, is to be the gateway to death.
Dramatic irony in Macbeth

Banquo’s exclamation of “Our honorable hostess” at the sight of Lady Macbeth, and his repetition of the word “hostess” is touched with subtle irony, for we know that all the time Lady Macbeth has been harboring murderous thoughts in her bosom further when Lady Macbeth series, ‘A little water dears us of this deed, How easy is it then.
We know it is not easy, and a sleep-walking scene later takes back to the unconscious remark. In her sleep-walking she seems to see the blood spot sticking to her fingers; “Out damned spot; out, I say !” Again she Cries: “Here’s the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes Of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand Oh I oh, oh!”
Apart, from these Suftte ironies, cropping up here and there, there is a broader kind of irony pervading the whole play. This may be termed the irony of fate or circumstance. The predictions of the Witches, couches in ambiguous words, are first fulfilled to the entire satisfaction of Macbeth, but finally, he is betrayed to his fall and destruction.
The irony consists of the failure of Macbeth’s hopes and ambitions while these predictions have a literary fulfillment. The irony comes crushing home to Macbeth himself at last. “And be these jugglings fiends no more believed, That patter with us in a double sense.
That keep the word of our promise to our ear, And break it to our hope.”
Dramatic Irony on Macbeth Essay
Dramatic irony in Macbeth essay
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