Why the novel matters

Summarize the views of D. H. Lawrence in his essay.

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Ans, ‘Why the novel matters’ is an essay, written by D. H. Lawrence, a Leading novelist during the Modern period in the English language and literature. In this essay, the writer has presented his great thoughts and Ideas about the novels.

It is a presentation of inner thoughts and understanding of Lawrence. In his eyes, the Novel deals with high understanding in an impressive way. It presents the wide feelings of the novelist in an explicit manner. why the novel matters

Why the novel matters
Why the novel matters

Why the novel matters by DH Lawrence

The novel deals with all sorts of human situations elaborately. The feelings of a novelist are indeed akin to a saint or a philosopher or a scientist. The saint wishes to offer spiritual food to the people. The philosopher thinks much and he presents his great thought for the welfare of mankind.

The scientist tries to present his scientific achievements for the sake of society the novelist intends to influence the mass by discussing human problems and it may be said that the great novelist leaves a great impact on the minds of the people. why the novel matters

It is apathy to remark that the novel is the big book of life. It can make the whole human beings active and alive. Lawrence feels that the Bible is also akin to a great novel because it deals with God and His creation.

In the Bible, we get acquainted with Adam, Eve, Sarah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Samuel David, and others. In the novel, the characters present varied actions and the situations are dealt with as per pattern. why the novel matters 

Why the novel matters pdf

A character in the novel conveys lively thoughts, related to human understanding and ideologies. The presentation in the novel is of great importance. The novelist seeks to leave a grand impression and indelible imprint on the tender mind and hearts of the readers.

In this regard, Lawrence has sought that the novels must see the plain ways of life. The whole world is compacted with sight as well as sound understanding.

It is seen that the characters of the novel delineate all sorts of consciousness of human beings. The novelist must be fair and square in his characterization. It must act as the lively epitome of life.

It should jerk all the threads of human understanding. It must act like an alive dog and it need not deal with a dead lion. It should also act as a microscope in the range of worldly affairs. why the novel matters

Why the novel matters questions and answers

There should be clarity of outlook in dealing with worldly affairs. In a true sense, the responsibility of a novelist is of par excellence.

This essay is full of higher thoughts and ideas, D. H. Lawrence has presented himself as a reviewer. All the feelings with regard to the novel are dealt with concisely. The approach seems to be positive in some aspects.


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