Novelists of the 19th century
Ans. Women Novelists of the 19th century Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell began her career as a leading novelist. Her early novel ‘ Mary Barton ‘ was published in 1848 and ‘ North and South in 1865. She also attempted psychological novels.
She made an interesting study of female life In her famous novel ‘ Cranford ( 1843 ) ‘. In Routh, Mrs. Gaskell deals with ethical and moral subjects. Gaskell was a close observer of human problems and Understanding.
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Major women novelists of the Nineteen Century
Charlotte Bronte was a leading novelist of her age. ‘ Jane Eyre ‘ was published in the year 1847. It is a veiled autobiography and reveals the love story of Charlotte. ” Shirley 1849 ‘ was a leading novel by Charlotte Bronte.
This novel is extremely realistic and factual. ‘ Ville et 1853 ‘ was also a leading work in which the personal experience of the novelist was expressed. ” The Professor ‘ 1857 ‘ was full of impressive narratives. Charlotte Bronte broke new fresh ground in the history of the English novel.
All her novels portray, the manners and ways of social life. As a novelist, Charlotte Bronte was essentially the novelist of passion, form, and intensity. She subtly presented characters. All the novels of charlotte are autobiographical in Character. She had described reality in her novels.
Female novelists of the 19th century
Emile Bronte 1818-1844 was also a leading novelist of her time. She was a landscape painter of great beauty and charm. It was she who presented more land earth which equal fidelity. Novelists of the 19th century
Her noted novel ‘ Wuthering Heights 1847 was her single masterpiece. In this novel, the novelist has dealt with wild and elemental views of characters. It is a novel of extraordinary power intense passion, fiery emotion, deep love, strong hate, and stormy feelings.
It is a novel of terror and revenge. It is compacted with the lyrical intensity of passion and emotional exuberance. This novel is one of the oldest and unplaceable works in the whole range of English fiction.

Women’s novels in 19th century
It marks the triumph of goodness and presents the slow wearing out of evil from the earth. It is unique for its dark and thunderous atmosphere and its powerful fusion of love and hate. The structure of this novel is complex.
Anne Bronte wrote ‘ Agnes Grey 1847 and ‘ The Tenant of wild – fell Hall ‘ . 1848 ‘. The structure of ‘ Agnes Grey ‘ is a narration of a series of small domestic incidents. Its theme is the struggle for spiritual integrity The Tenant of wild – fell Hall ‘ presents the interesting study of a drunkard.
George Eliot was the leading female novelist of her age. She wrote many leading novels. ‘ Scenes of clerical life 1858 ‘ is her leading novel. It deals with the tragedy of ordinary lives with deep insight.
‘ Adam Bede 1859 ‘ is an important novel by George Eliot. It deals with human situations, beautiful pictures of the Countryside, and social understanding. The moral severity of this novel is well-figured.
Note on women novelists
The Mill on the floss ‘ 1860, ‘ Silas Marner ‘ 1861, ‘ Romola ‘ 1863, ‘ Middle March ‘ 1872, and Daniel Deronda ‘ 1876 are leading novels by George Eliot. She was one of the greatest novelists of her age. Her contribution to the field of English novels is of par – excellence.
All the women novelists of the Victorian age presented social pictures in a vid, explicit, exalted, and consummate manner. Novelists of the 19th century
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