Salient features of Victorian fiction
Ans. ” Salient features of Victorian fiction ” The victorian age is fruitful in the field of fictional writings. During this period, novels enjoyed immense popularity. Many fiction writers produced touchy fiction which left a tremendous effect on the Common mass. Victorian fiction was piercing.
Charles Dickens was the representative novelist of the victorian era. His important novels are, Pick Wick Papers ( 1837 ), ‘ Oliver Twist ‘ ( 1838 ), ‘ Nicholas Nickleby ‘ ( 1839 ), Old Curiosity shop ( 1841 ), Martin Chuzzlewit ‘ ( 1844 ), ‘ David Copperfield ‘ ( 1850 ), ‘ A Tale of Two Cities ‘ ( 1859 ), and ‘ Great Expectations ‘ ( 1861 ). In all his novels, Dickens delineated the true picture of social life.
The main features of the victorian novel
William Thackerey was concerned with the aspects of upper-class society. His important novel, ‘ Vanity Fair ‘ ( 1848 ), is of a high order. His other important novels are ‘ Pendenmish ‘ ( 1850 ), ‘ Henry Esmond ‘ ( 1852 ), ‘ and The new Corner ‘ ( 1854 ).
George Eliot was the leading female novelist of the period. Her important novels are ‘ Scenes of clerical life ‘, ‘ A dam Bede ‘, ‘ The Mill on the Floss ‘, Silas Marner ‘, ‘ Pamela ‘ and ‘ Middlemarch ‘. In all her novels, George Eliot presented herself as a great preacher and moralizer.
In all her novels, she shows interest in the individuals, the play of Universal moral forces, and establishes the moral law as the basis of human society.
Salient features of victorian novel
George Meredith was the leading novelist of the age. Among his important fiction The Shaving of Shagpat ‘ ( 1856 ). ” The ordeal of Rich and Federal ‘ ( 1850 ) ‘, ‘ Evan Harrington ‘ ( 1861 ), ” The Egoist ( 1869 ) ‘, ‘ Dance of the crossways ( 1895 ) ‘, and ‘ The amazing marriage ( 1895 ) ‘ are of high order Meredith had delineated his period in his fictions.
Thomas Hardy was the leading fiction writer of his period. He had Understand the grim facts of life and his approach was almost pessimistic in depiction. Among his leading fictions, ‘ Far from the Madding crowd ‘ ( 1874 ) ‘, ‘ The Return of the Native ‘ ( 1878 ) ‘, ‘ The Mayor of Casterbridge ‘ ( 1886 ) ‘, ‘ The Tess of the D’urbervilles ‘ ( 1891 ) ‘, ‘ Jude the obscure ( 1895 ) ‘, are of great importance.
Their approach to Hardy was of great excellence in understanding. Hardy was very close to the upheavals of human life. All the characters as depicted are the carriers of human sentiments and feelings. The Victorian era was fruitful, for the development of fiction. This age witnessed great changes in social construction.
Discuss the salient features of the victorian novel
Charles Reede was also a leading novelist of this period. His masterpiece, ‘ The Cloister and the Hearth ‘, ‘And a Terrible temptation are studies of social reforms.

Anthony Trollope was also the leading fiction writer of the age, ‘ The Eustace Diamonds ‘, ‘ Bar Chester Towers ‘ ( 1857 ), ‘ The warden ‘ ( 1853 ) ‘, ‘ The Last Chronicle of Barset ‘ ( 1867 ) ‘ and others were important fictions of Trollope.
Charlotte Bronte was also a female novelist of this age. Her important works are ‘ Jane Eyre ‘ ( 1847 ) ‘, ‘ Shirley ‘ ( 1849 ), and ‘ Villette ‘ ( 1853 ).
Bulwer Lytton was a gifted fiction writer. His important novels are ‘ Pelham ‘ ( 1828 ) ‘, and ‘ Ernest Maltranans ‘ ( 1837 ). ” The Cartons ‘ ( 1848 ), ” My novel ‘ ( 1853 ) ‘, ‘ Kenelm Chillingly ‘ ( 1873 ) ‘, Paul Clifford ‘ and ‘ Eugene Aram ‘ are of a high order.
Note on the Victorian novel
Charles Kingsley was the leading fiction writer. His important fictions are ‘ Alton Locke ( 1850 ) ‘, ‘ and West Word Hol ‘ ( 1855 ) ‘ are of great value.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell was also a leading writer. Among her fictions, ‘ Mary Barton ‘ ( 1848 ), ‘ North and South ‘ ( 1865 ), and’ Cranford ‘ ( 1843 ), are of great importance.
Fiction played a significant role in the victorian age in the English language and literature.
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