Short note on Geoffrey Chaucer
Short note on Geoffrey Chaucer
Ans. Geoffrey Chaucer was a prominent literary figure during the Pre- Elizabethan period in the English language and literature. He is aptly called as the representative poet of his time. He has also recalled a nickname of the Father of English poetry. Short note on Geoffrey Chaucer

It was Chaucer who left indelible effect due to his immortal literary creations on his contemporary stalwarts of English literature.
The chief literary creations are divided into three segments which are corresponded to his great literary attainments during the span of his literary career.
Write a short note on Geoffrey Chaucer
A. First Period – Chaucer presented Remount of the Rose’ as his first literary work in which he symbolized the Rose as a representation of the lover’s intense desire of love to win the favor and heart of beloved. In this book, the poet depicted varying moods and activities of life, like love, hate, jealousy, idleness, envy and sweetness, and others.
Human feelings are sentiments and exuberantly discussed and delineated. Chaucer also wrote Book of Duchesse’ which is considered the best literary creation of Chaucer during the first literary period of his life. It contains considerable dramatic and emotional power. The other literary works of this period are ‘compleynte to pite’, The ABC’ and others.
Geoffrey Chaucer short biography
B. Second Period – The chief literary work of this period is Troilus and Criseyde’ which. contains eight thousand poetic lines. This book deals with the idealogy of the Age. Chaucer depicted social lives with dramatic delineation and aptly suited beauty. The great ideals of Chaucer are explicit in these books. The other literary work was, The House of Fame’, which remained unfinished.

It is a rare combination of superb lofty thoughts with native language. The third literary work of Chaucer is Legende of Good Women’, which depicts the stories of famous women who were true and honest to love in full sequences.
Geoffrey Chaucer English literature
C. Third Period- During this period, Chaucer produced his great masterpiece. The Canterbury Tales in which Chaucer attached prologue to make vivid introduction and acquaintances with the various characters of the book.
Chaucer was a keen visualizer of his time. He delineated the characters explicitly and vividly. Beowulf and Rolands are ideal characters who are the creations of imagination.
The merry host of the Tabarel Inn, Madame Eglantyne, the Fat Monk, The Parish Priest, the kind-hearted plowman, and the poor scholar are alike personal acquaintances. It was Chaucer who was chiefly responsible for presenting the atmosphere of romantic interest between men and women.
The Modest Prioress’, “Model Sweet Piety and Society Manners’, “The sporting Monk and the Fat Friar’, “The Discreetness of Law’,
“The well-fed country – require, The Sailor’, The Canny Doctor, The Lovable Parish Priest’, The coarse bud-bath is closely related to English life and the depictions are made in quite a humorous manner.
‘The Knight’s Tale’ is in many ways, the best and most impressive part of the Canterbury Tales. It placidly deals with the deal of the time, about romantic love along with knight’s duty.
The dialogues and descriptions are long and it shows great dramatic presentation capability of Chaucer. The great appreciation of love and nature and profound philosophy of life are depicted.
The story of the book was chiefly borrowed from Boccacio and some parts of descriptions belonged to common life and literary thought of the middle ages. The story contains a series of anachronisms.
There are three types of principal matters which are profusely found in the literary works of Chaucer, In Canterbury Tales, Chaucer used lines of ten syllables with five accents and the lines run in couplets.
Geoffrey Chaucer
The musical meters are arranged in lines and stanzas with different rhyme, called Royal rhyme and are found perfectly in Troilus. The third meter contains eight syllabic lines with four accents as found in Boke of the Duchesse’, Apart from these principal meters, Chaucer used many other forms of poetic composition.
The literary poetic works of Chaucer are piercing and touchy. He is aptly recalled as the cynosure of the firmament of Pre-Elizabethan age. The great contributions of Chaucer are invaluable literary assets of the English language and literature. Short note on Geoffrey Chaucer