The role of chance and fate in Thomas hardy
Ans:- The novel ‘The Mayor of Casterbridge’ is compacted with pessimistic philosophy. From the inception of the novel, it is loaded with pessimistic out- fook, All the characters of the novel are influenced by pessimism. The role of chance and fate in Thomas hardy
It is pessimism that has left an indelible effect on the characters, situations, and ideologies of the novel. It is compacted with defeated hopes, splendid aspirations, frustrated ambitions, sordid views, and thwarted outlooks.

Read more from English 2nd Year (click) Michael Henchard was the leading character and all the situations encircled him, under the effect of intoxication sold his wife and small daughter and after that, he showed grim repentance.
Role of Fate in The Mayor of Casterbridge
He tried his best to search for his wife and small daughter but in vain. He adored the Mayorship of Casterbridge by dint of his hard perseverance. The role of chance and fate in Thomas hardy
Accidentally he came across his wife and his former life got resuscitation. Donald Farfrae was given ample love and assistance by Henchard but he was proved faithless due to some circumstances.
The real tragedy starts with the oncoming of Farfrae and gradually the fate of Henchard was in decline. The other characters like Elizabeth Jane. Lucetta and others also add tragedies in the novel.
Role of Chance and Incidence in Mayor of Casterbridge
The characters, in general, carry tremendous courage and endurance with which they display their struggle against opposing forces. They did not show shrinkage even at the worst calamity.
Hardy was quite aware that human life carries sad elements in abundance. He disclosed the grim fact that happiness is but the occasional episode in the general drama of pain.
All the incidents from the beginning to the end are replete with tragedies and gloominess. This novel is compacted with incidents, containing miseries, pain, and frustration.
The role of gigantic forces of fate god, nature, chance, and society is evident. All the incidents present fretting scenes of vexation bustle, confusion, froth, fury, disease death, discord, strife, ruin, and devastation.
Examine the role of chance or fate in Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge

The environment as depicted in the novel is gigantic in shape and it carries tragic and unhappy endings. In this novel, the main hero was full of exceptional courage, fortitude, and extraordinary, energy.
Even material success and the noble post did not bring eternal pleasure, as sketched in the. the character of Henchard. This novel is loaded with tragic elements. Henchard was disappointed in every corner of life and he met his end in a tragic manner.
This novel is significant in tragic expressions. it also deals with the civic battle between man and destiny. The psychological treatments had vividly discussed.
The tragedy rose to its supreme height of pathos. All the characters seem like pigmies in the hand of destined fate.
The novelist Thomas Hardy delineated the characters, situations, and circumstances in a vivid, explicit, and consummate manner. The role of chance and fate in Thomas hardy

The Mayor of Casterbridge
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