A work of Art story by Anton Chekhov
Write down a critical appreciation of the story A work of Art story by Anton Chekhov, How a trivial comic situation can expose hypocrisy and provide an ironic commentary on the dual standards practiced by men is well illustrated by this story of Chekhov.
A doctor is presented with a beautiful bronze candelabrum by a young boy whose family runs this business of antique art pieces.
Story of A work of Art
The doctor helped him recover from a serious illness for which the boy was sent by his mother with this present, No,w this candelabrum consisted of a pedestal on which there was the image of two made women smiling mischievously at each other.
The doctor was to such with a rare specimen of art and he could appreciate the craftsmanship of the artist who had brought alive the cheerful spirit of these women with so well-cared figures But there lay a problem he could not keep this candelabrum in his house where lady patients and children also called on.
Work of Art Essay
He was afraid of being misunderstood by his patients and visitors. Since the boy refused to take it back he thought of someone to whom he could gift this work of art to his mold his lawyer friend seemed to be the proper person who could keep it with him.
When he showed it to the lawyer he liked it very much. He also admired the artistic beauty and the frankness of the expression of women. But after the doctor was gone he was also assailed by the question of morality. He knew his client would misunderstand him.
He also, therefore, wished to get rid of this. He thought of a comedian who could be the most appropriate custodian of the piece. The comedian and his friends enjoyed the sight of such lovely women for a couple of hours.
Write down a critical appreciation of the story A work of Art
But when the comedian heard his co-actresses knocking at the door he was alarmed. He also thought that it would be considered improper by them. His friends then suggested to him to sell it to an old woman who was in this trade of art, And who was this woman?
It was the same lady who had sent it originally to the doctor as a present. After traveling to different spots in the town the candelabrum was back in the possession of the lady who was unaware of the fate of the beautiful artwork.
Work of Art Summary
She thought that the missing mate of the piece had come into her hands by luck. The lady, therefore, sent it back to the doctor through her son. The doctor understood the game clearly.

But this time he kept it quiet. knowing well that this work of art could be enjoyed privatèly as society would never allow it to be seen in public for fear of its nations of morality being challenged.